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Welcome to my new project! This is a TODO list, another practice from The Odin Project. There's nothing too specific about the kind of TODO list I can make.

Practice requisites:

  • Your ‘todos’ are going to be objects that you’ll want to dynamically create
  • at a minimum they should have a title, description, dueDate and priority.
  • you might also want to include notes or even a checklist.
  • should have projects or separate lists of todos
  • When a user first opens the app, there should be some sort of ‘default’ project to which all of their todos are put
  • users should be able to create new projects and choose which project their todos go into
  • you should separate your application logic from the DOM-related stuff, so keep all of those things in separate modules
  • the look of the User Interface is up to you, but it should be able to do the following:
    • view all projects
    • view all todos in each project (probably just the title and duedate… perhaps changing color for different priorities)
    • expand a single todo to see/edit its details
    • delete a todo
  • use the following library: date-fns for formatting and manipulating dates and times
  • add some persistence to this todo app using the Web Storage API (localStorage)
    • set up a function that saves the projects (and todos) to localStorage every time a new project (or todo) is created
    • and another function that looks for that data in localStorage when your app is first loaded
    • make sure your app doesn’t crash if the data you may want retrieve from localStorage isn’t there