42-Jitsi is a golang powered project meant to provide a video conference room to students using Jitsi for their remote evaluations.
The repository will be using:
This project was made to facilitate remote evaluations during the COVID-19 crisis.
As a distancing measure, we suggest you use it for a while a short time after the re-opening of your campus.
Read the configuration samples configs.sample.yaml and example.env to understand better what can be configured.
In order not to get confused with the multiple docker-compose files, it is advised to use the script
to run docker-compose commands. It will use the right docker-compose files depending on the env vars set.
Note that this script will try to read the.env
You need to set the env var ENVIRONMEMT
to production
. e.g:
staff@42campus:~/42-jitsi # ENVIRONMENT=production ./docker-compose.sh up -d
Creating network "42-jitsi_42jitsi" with the default driver
Creating 42-jitsi_consumer_1_22f48fd4f03b ... done
staff@42campus:~/42-jitsi # ENVIRONMENT=production ./docker-compose.sh ps
Name Command State Ports
42-jitsi_consumer_1_2aca4c53e112 /bin/api Up>5000/tcp
staff@42campus:~/42-jitsi # ENVIRONMENT=production ./docker-compose.sh down
Removing 42-jitsi_consumer_1_2aca4c53e112 ... done
Removing network 42-jitsi_42jitsi
This will deploy the server ready to use in production.
The api consumer is deployed by default.
This is the default behaviour. You need to set env var ENVIRONMENT
to anything else than production
. e.g:
staff@42campus:~/42-jitsi # ENVIRONMENT=local ./docker-compose.sh up -d
Creating network "42-jitsi_42jitsi" with the default driver
Creating 42-jitsi_rabbitmq_1_724cafefbccd ... done
Creating 42-jitsi_consumer_1_c8521bca9d9f ... done
Creating 42-jitsi_db_1_24d49a369d71 ... done
staff@42campus:~/42-jitsi # ENVIRONMENT=local ./docker-compose.sh ps
Name Command State Ports
42-jitsi_consumer_1_496f749bef9f /bin/api Up>5432/tcp
42-jitsi_db_1_9120aefbab27 docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up>5000/tcp
42-jitsi_rabbitmq_1_ade8110994b6 docker-entrypoint.sh rabbi ... Up 15671/tcp,>15672/tcp,
25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp,>5672/tcp
staff@42campus:~/42-jitsi # ./docker-compose.sh down
Stopping 42-jitsi_rabbitmq_1_ade8110994b6 ... done
Removing 42-jitsi_db_1_9120aefbab27 ... done
Removing 42-jitsi_consumer_1_496f749bef9f ... done
Removing 42-jitsi_rabbitmq_1_ade8110994b6 ... done
Removing network 42-jitsi_42jitsi
It will deploy the service as standalone. It will have its own postgresql and rabbitmq container and force set the corresponding environmental variables so that your container connects to them.
There are different type of consumers that you can use. Here's an exhaustive list of them:
You can choose which one to deploy with docker-compose by setting the env var JISTI42_CONSUMER_TYPE
to the corresponding
Common configurations:
- General configuration:
- Logging configuration:
- Intranet application:
. - PostgreSQL database:
See more details here.
To deploy it with docker-compose, set JITSI42_CONSUMER_TYPE
to api
This consumer will expose an api on the port 5000
(by default) with gin that will
expect payloads from 42's intranet scale_team webhooks.
Specific configurations:
- Exposure address:
. - Intranet webhooks:
See more details here.
To deploy it with docker-compose, set JITSI42_CONSUMER_TYPE
to rabbit
This consumer will read from a rabbitmq queue. The messages' bodies are expected to be payloads from 42's intranet scale_team webhooks. Of course the corresponding headers are expected to be set.
Specific configurations:
- RabbitMQ: