#Forum Template Created Using the Laravel Framework ####Originally made for NewArkstudios but removed references to project itself
##Debug Tools -laravel -laravel debugbar
Issues and Troubleshooting
- Make sure storage is writable by
# Group Writable (Group, User Writable)
$ sudo chmod -R gu+w storage
# World-writable (Group, User, Other Writable)
$ sudo chmod -R guo+w storage
- Make sure bootstrap cache is writeable as well chmod 777 bootstrap/cache
Visual Studio Code with xdebug and xdebug extension Lampp server change etc/http.conf to follow this https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=felixfbecker.php-debug pointing to installed xdebug on local machine
Files Ignored are listed under .gitignore and .git/info/exclude
Change .env file Note password and username listed in master docs Migrate appropriate databases and install
php artisan migrate:install
php artisan migrate
To make new databases in laravel simply call
php artisan make:migration <migration_name> --create=<table_name>
**To clear data and reinstall databases **
php artisan migrate:refresh
To seed a database, in "DatabaseSeeder.php" add
Create the seed with
php artisan make:seeder <SeedName>
// once complete and coded for seed with
php artisan db:seed
Note if one cannot seed then we need to update our autload files as they may not be synced
composer dump-autoload
Packages out of date? Run
composer update
composer install
HTML Purifier package used you will need to run This package was used to prevent script injections but still allow HTML links and images
chmod 777 -R vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer
If run into errors delete migrations table and already existing tables
Updates to .env file needed for mail server example - note this is mailtrap server, we need to update to legitimate email in future