Easy to use global state for React.
Shared along all components, updating them only when needed.
No reducers, no actions, no providers.
Requires react 16.8.6 or later
npm install --save react-central-state
Just wrap your components with CSComponent
import {CSComponent} from 'react-central-state'
// or , if you want to operate the state on a non react-component class:
class Example extends React.Component{
export default CSComponent(Example);
Reading and updating the central state is pretty much like react's vanilla state:
//Reading from state
//Updating the state
The only requirement it will add to your component is implementing the updateWith
/*React components wrapped in CSComponent need to implement this.
Should return an array of central state's property keys that would trigger an update on this component when changed. Can be an empty array*/
Components wrapped with CSComponent
have their shouldComponentUpdate
injected with nextCentralState
as third parameter:
//Do your thing
You can also subscribe callbacks to central state properties changes, with addCentralStateListener
//callback receives a snapshot of the previous state.
this.callback = function(prevState){
let foo = this.centralState.foo;
let prevFoo = prevState.foo;
//Pass the callback, with a list of central state property keys,
//that when change value will invoke it.
You probably want to unsubscribe on unmounting:
The API also provides CSHandler, you can either extend or instantiate it, gaining access to:
, addCentralStateListener()
, removeCentralStateListener()
As well as reading from the state:
const handler = new CSHandler();
function example(){
console.log(handler.centralState.foo) // -> 'bar'
The store keeps updated info of the mounted components hierarchy, by analyzing their mounting/updating order.
When the state changes, components observing the changed properties are notified orderly and may update - if shouldComponentUpdate
returns true.
You can use react-central-state with react's vanilla state without conflict.