This API Platform and Symfony bundle provides automatic Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications.
Despite the name, it works with any client-side technology including Angular, React, Vue.js and jQuery. Actually, any JavaScript code issuing XMLHttpRequest or using the Fetch API can leverage this bundle.
Thanks to this bundle, the server-side application (the Symfony app) will automatically set a cookie named XSRF-Token
containing a unique token during the first HTTP response sent to the browser.
Subsequent asynchronous requests made by the JavaScript app with xhr
or fetch
send back the value of the cookie in a
special HTTP header named X-XSRF-Token
To prevent CSRF attacks, the bundle will check that the header's value match the cookie's value. This way, it will be able to detect and block CSRF attacks.
AngularJS (v1)'s ng.$http
service has
a built-in support for this CSRF protection system.
If you use another framework or HTTP client (such as Axios), you just need to read the
cookie value and add the HTTP header containing it by yourself.
This bundle provides a Symfony's Event Listener that set the cookie and another one that checks the HTTP header to block CSRF attacks.
Thanks to DunglasAngularCsrfBundle, you get CSRF security without modifying your code base.
This bundle works fine with both API Platform and FOSRestBundle.
Use Composer to install this bundle:
composer require dunglas/angular-csrf-bundle
If you use Symfony Flex, you're done.
Otherwise add the bundle in your application kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Dunglas\AngularCsrfBundle\DunglasAngularCsrfBundle(),
// ...
Configure URLs where the cookie must be set and that must be protected against CSRF attacks:
# app/config/security.yml
# Collection of patterns where to set the cookie
- { path: ^/$ }
- { route: ^app_, methods: [GET, HEAD] }
- { host: }
# Collection of patterns to secure
- { path: ^/api, methods: [POST, PUT, PATCH, LINK] }
- { route: ^api_v2_ }
- { host:, methods: [POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, LINK] }
Your app is now secured.
- DunglasTodoMVCBundle: an implementation of the TodoMVC app using Symfony, Backbone.js and Chaplin.js
# The CSRF token id
id: angular
# The name of the HTTP header to check (default to the AngularJS default)
# The name of the cookie to set (default to the AngularJS default)
# Expiration time of the cookie
expire: 0
# Path of the cookie
path: /
# Domain of the cookie
domain: ~
# If true, set the cookie only on HTTPS connection
secure: false
# Patterns of URLs to set the cookie
- { path: "^/url-pattern", route: "^route_name_pattern$", host: "", methods: [GET, POST] }
# Patterns of URLs to check for a valid CSRF token
- { path: "^/url-pattern", route: "^route_name_pattern$", host: "", methods: [GET, POST] }
When using the Symfony Form Component together with DunglasAngularCsrfBundle, the bundle will automatically disable the built-in form CSRF protection: the CSRF token stored in the header will be validated by the bundle and no form token will be set.
This bundle has been created by Kévin Dunglas.