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Datashare - Shared Modules


The Datashare (DS) Shared Modules directory provides a library of utility classes for the DS services which include additional functionality or capabilities while avoiding duplicate logic. The majority of DS services leverage the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) NodeJS SDK libraries.

Note: The DS Shared Modules are for internal use only and the public DS interfaces are through the API or CLI.


These instructions will run through testing the DS Shared Modules via NodeJS and GCP Cloud Build (GCB) in your GCP project.


Enable GCP APIs:

Service Account

DS Shared Modules makes authorized API calls to specific GCP project service(s). Any class or feature that imports the Shared Module classes will require a GCP service account with the appropriate permissions enabled. These permissions have been aggregated into a custom role that is associated to a service account. The custom role and associated permissions are defined in here.

For testing the Shared Modules, we provide an example using GCB to verfy integration testing is successful. GCB provides a default service account that is owned by GCP but SA permissions are managed by the GCP project owner here. Unfortunately, this service account does not have the appropriate client_email in it's credentials which is required when executing storage signUrl methods.

AssertionError: Failed: SigningError: Cannot sign data without `client_email`.

We will generate a custom GCB service account to extracted and enabled during the Shared Module testing. This custom service account could be utilized for all GCB tests in the future.

Setup Service Account

Set your PROJECT_ID if you have not already:

export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)'`; echo $PROJECT_ID

Set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME environment variable(s):

export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=ds-cloud-build-mgr;

Set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DESC environment variable(s):

export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DESC="Datashare Cloud Build Manager";

Create the custom DS service-account:

gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --display-name "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DESC}";

Set the CUSTOM_ROLE_NAME environment variable(s):


The permissions for the custom role are defined in config/ds-cloud-build-mgr-role-definition.yaml

Create custom role:

gcloud iam roles create ${CUSTOM_ROLE_NAME} --project ${PROJECT_ID} --file config/ds-cloud-build-mgr-role-definition.yaml

Note: If the custom role already exists, just update the stage:

gcloud iam roles update ${CUSTOM_ROLE_NAME} --project ${PROJECT_ID} --stage BETA

Grant the new GCP service role to service account:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --member serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} \

Configure Service Account Secret

Create service account credentials and download them:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}.json \

Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable(s):


Key Management Service

GCB requires a Key Management Service to decrypt runtime secrets for permissions and custom variables in the build images. GCB Encrypted Secrets. We need to create a KeyRing, encrypt our SA credentials JSON file above, then configure GCB to extract and decrypt the creds to an environment variable.

Set your KEYRING_NAME if you have not already:

export KEYRING_NAME=ds-cloud-build-ring;

Create the Key Ring:

gcloud kms keyrings create ${KEYRING_NAME} --location=global

Set your KEY_NAME if you have not already:

export KEY_NAME=ds-cloud-build;

Create the Crypto Key:

gcloud kms keys create ${KEY_NAME} --location=global --keyring=${KEYRING_NAME} --purpose=encryption

Export the PROJECT_NUMBER if you have not already:

Note: This is different from your PROJECT_ID exported above.

export PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format 'value(projectNumber)'`; echo $PROJECT_NUMBER

Grant access to the default GCB service account.

Note: This is not the custom SA account created above.

gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding \
  ${KEY_NAME} --location=global --keyring=${KEYRING_NAME} \
  --member=serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER} \

Encrypt the SA credentials file:

gcloud kms encrypt \
  --ciphertext-file=ciphertexts/client_secret.json.enc \
  --location=global \
  --keyring=${KEYRING_NAME} \

You can now include the encrypted ciphertext into your builds for GCB to decrypt during the tests.

Running Tests

The test frameworks include Chai and Nyc

Make sure you export your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS for the service account.


Execute all the tests:

npm test

Execute the cloud tests:

nyc mocha --timeout 60000 --projectId=$PROJECT_ID --runCloudTests

Execute the tests with GCB:

Note: GCB will leverage Cloud KMS to decrypt the SA credentials for the npm tests. cloud-build-local --config does not like relative paths. If you need to run a GCB for all tests, then you need to execute in the parent directory.

cloud-build-local --config=cloudbuild.yaml --dryrun=false .


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Mark Servidio - Initial work
  • Chris Page - Initial work