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This is yaws, a webserver for dynamic content written in Erlang.

To build and install

1. Get and install an erlang system (

2. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local

Note: If can also change the target directory for etc and var 
      directories by using:
  --localstatedir=DIR for files that should go in /var
  --sysconfdir=DIR for files that should go in /etc
This way you can precisely control where you install the software (This is
usefull for computers where you do not have right access to the 
standard systemdirs). It is now possible to install everything in a 
single directory and use Stow to create symlinks to /usr/local
For example:
./configure --prefix=/home/install/yaws-1.01 --localstatedir=/home/install/yaws-1.01/var --sysconfdir=/home/install/yaws-1.01/etc

3. make
     This will build the system

  make docs 
     (Optionnal) You can issue this command if you want to build Yaws

  make local_install
     and perform something we call a
     local install. It will create an executable script in the $HOMe/bin 
     directory and a config file in $HOME/yaws.conf

4.   Start as bin/yaws -i 
     This will create a webserver at

5. as root make install

6. as root Start as /usr/local/bin/yaws -i 
   (this starts an interactive system)

7. This will create a webserver at http://${host} and one at https://${host}

8. as root Edit /etc/yaws.conf 

9. Create content in /var/yaws

10a. Start as /usr/local/bin/yaws -D -heart
     This will start a daemon (-D) which will be autorestarted when/if
     it crashes or hangs (-heart)

10b. Or start interactive system as /usr/local/bin/yaws -i