Installation of the PowerDNS Authoritative server on UNIX systems can be done in several ways:
- Binary packages provided by your distribution
- Binary packages provided by PowerDNS on
PowerDNS Authoritative Server is available through the apt system.
$ sudo apt-get install pdns-server
Debian splits the backends into several different packages, install the required backend as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install pdns-backend-$backend
On RedHat based system there are 2 options to install PowerDNS, from EPEL, the repository from Kees Monshouwer or from the PowerDNS repositories:
Add either to your list of repositories and install PowerDNS by issuing:
$ sudo yum install pdns
The different backends can be installed using
$ sudo yum install pdns-backend-$backend
PowerDNS Authoritative Server is available through the ports system:
For the package:
$ sudo pkg install dns/powerdns
To have your system build the port:
cd /usr/ports/dns/powerdns/ && make install clean
PowerDNS Authoritative Server is available through Homebrew:
$ brew install pdns
Once installed, :doc:`guides/basic-database` using MySQL or start :doc:`migrating <migration>` your data.