Starting with the PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.4.0, DNS update support is available. There are a number of items NOT supported:
- There is no support for GSS*TSIG and SIG (TSIG is supported);
- WKS records are specifically mentioned in the RFC, we don't specifically care about WKS records;
- Anything we forgot....
The implementation requires the backend to support a number of new operations. Currently, the following backends have been modified to support DNS update:
- :doc:`gmysql <backends/generic-mysql>`
- :doc:`gpgsql <backends/generic-postgresql>`
- :doc:`gsqlite3 <backends/generic-sqlite3>`
- :doc:`godbc <backends/generic-odbc>`
There are two configuration parameters that can be used within the powerdns configuration file.
A setting to enable/disable DNS update support completely. The default
is no, which means that DNS updates are ignored by PowerDNS (no message
is logged about this!). Change the setting to dnsupdate=yes
enable DNS update support. Default is no
A list of IP ranges that are allowed to perform updates on any domain.
The default is
, which means that all loopback addresses are accepted.
Multiple entries can be used on this line
). The option can
be left empty to disallow everything, this then should be used in
combination with the ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM
:doc:`domain metadata <domainmetadata>` setting per
zone. Setting a range here and in ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM
enables updates
from either address range.
Tell PowerDNS to forward to the master server if the zone is configured
as slave. Masters are determined by the masters field in the domains
table. The default behaviour is enabled (yes), which means that it will
try to forward. In the processing of the update packet, the
are processed
first, so those permissions apply before the forward-dnsupdate
used. It will try all masters that you have configured until one is
Use this Lua script containing function updatepolicy
to validate
each update. This will TURN OFF
all other
authorization methods, and you are expected to take care of everything
yourself. See :ref:`dnsupdate-update-policy` for details and
The semantics are that first a dynamic update has to be allowed either
by the global :ref:`setting-allow-dnsupdate-from` setting, or by a per-zone
metadata setting.
Secondly, if a zone has a TSIG-ALLOW-DNSUPDATE
metadata setting, that
must match too.
So to only allow dynamic DNS updates to a zone based on TSIG key, and
regardless of IP address, set :ref:`setting-allow-dnsupdate-from` to empty, set
to "" and "::/0" and set the
to the proper key name.
Further information can be found :ref:`below <dnsupdate-how-it-works>`.
For permissions, a number of per zone settings are available via the :doc:`domain metadata <domainmetadata>`.
This setting has the same function as described in the configuration options (See :ref:`above <dnsupdate-configuration-options>`). Only one item is allowed per row, but multiple rows can be added. An example:
sql> select id from domains where name=''; 5 sql> insert into domainmetadata(domain_id, kind, content) values(5, ‘ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM’,’’); sql> insert into domainmetadata(domain_id, kind, content) values(5, ‘ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM’,’’);
This will allow and to send DNS update messages for the domain.
This setting allows you to set the TSIG key required to do an DNS update. If you have GSS-TSIG enabled, you can use Kerberos principals here. An example, using :program:`pdnsutil` to create the key:
$ pdnsutil generate-tsig-key test hmac-md5
Create new TSIG key test hmac-md5 kp4/24gyYsEzbuTVJRUMoqGFmN3LYgVDzJ/3oRSP7ys=
sql> insert into tsigkeys (name, algorithm, secret) values ('test', 'hmac-md5', 'kp4/24gyYsEzbuTVJRUMoqGFmN3LYgVDzJ/3oRSP7ys='); sql> select id from domains where name=''; 5 sql> insert into domainmetadata (domain_id, kind, content) values (5, 'TSIG-ALLOW-DNSUPDATE', 'test');
An example of how to use a TSIG key with the :program:`nsupdate` command:
nsupdate <<! server <ip> <port> zone update add 3600 A key test kp4/24gyYsEzbuTVJRUMoqGFmN3LYgVDzJ/3oRSP7ys= send !
If a TSIG key is set for the domain, it is required to be used for the
update. The TSIG is an alternative means of securing updates, instead of using the
setting. If a TSIG key is set, and if ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM
is set,
the IP(-range) of the updater still needs to be allowed via ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM
See :ref:`Configuration options <dnsupdate-configuration-options>` for what it does, but per domain.
sql> select id from domains where name=''; 5 sql> insert into domainmetadata(domain_id, kind, content) values(5, ‘FORWARD-DNSUPDATE’,’’);
There is no content, the existence of the entry enables the forwarding. This domain-specific setting is only useful when the configuration option :ref:`setting-forward-dnsupdate` is set to 'no', as that will disable it globally. Using the domainmetadata setting than allows you to enable it per domain.
Send a notification to all slave servers after every update. This will speed up the propagation of changes and is very useful for acme verification.
sql> select id from domains where name=''; 5 sql> insert into domainmetadata(domain_id, kind, content) values(5, ‘NOTIFY-DNSUPDATE’,’1’);
This configures how the soa serial should be updated. See :ref:`below <dnsupdate-soa-serial-updates>`.
After every update, the soa serial is updated as this is required by
section 3.7 of RFC 2136. The behaviour is configurable via domainmetadata
option. It has a number of options listed
below. If no behaviour is specified, DEFAULT is used.
:rfc:`2136, Section 3.6 <2136#section-3.6>` defines some specific behaviour for updates of SOA records. Whenever the SOA record is updated via the update message, the logic to change the SOA is not executed.
Powerdns will always use :ref:`metadata-soa-edit` when serving SOA records, thus a query for the SOA record of the recently update domain, might have an unexpected result due to a SOA-EDIT setting.
An example:
sql> select id from domains where name=''; 5 sql> insert into domainmetadata(domain_id, kind, content) values(5, ‘SOA-EDIT-DNSUPDATE’,’INCREASE’);
This will make the SOA Serial increase by one, for every successful update.
These are the settings available for SOA-EDIT-DNSUPDATE.
- DEFAULT: Generate a soa serial of YYYYMMDD01. If the current serial is lower than the generated serial, use the generated serial. If the current serial is higher or equal to the generated serial, increase the current serial by 1.
- INCREASE: Increase the current serial by 1.
- EPOCH: Change the serial to the number of seconds since the EPOCH, aka unixtime.
- SOA-EDIT: Change the serial to whatever SOA-EDIT would provide. See :doc:`Domain metadata <domainmetadata>`
- SOA-EDIT-INCREASE: Change the serial to whatever SOA-EDIT would provide. If what SOA-EDIT provides is lower than the current serial, increase the current serial by 1. Exception: with SOA-EDIT=INCEPTION-EPOCH, the serial is bumped to at least the current EPOCH time.
DNS update is often used with DHCP to automatically provide a hostname whenever a new IP-address is assigned by the DHCP server. This section describes how you can setup PowerDNS to receive DNS updates from ISC's dhcpd (version 4.1.1-P1).
We're going to use a TSIG key for security. We're going to generate a key using the following command:
dnssec-keygen -a hmac-md5 -b 128 -n USER dhcpdupdate
This generates two files (Kdhcpdupdate.*.key and Kdhcpdupdate.*.private). You're interested in the .key file:
# ls -l Kdhcp*
-rw------- 1 root root 53 Aug 26 19:29 Kdhcpdupdate.+157+20493.key
-rw------- 1 root root 165 Aug 26 19:29 Kdhcpdupdate.+157+20493.private
# cat Kdhcpdupdate.+157+20493.key
dhcpdupdate. IN KEY 0 3 157 FYhvwsW1ZtFZqWzsMpqhbg==
The important bits are the name of the key (dhcpdupdate) and the hash of the key (FYhvwsW1ZtFZqWzsMpqhbg==
Using the details from the key you've just generated. Add the following to your dhcpd.conf:
key "dhcpdupdate" { algorithm hmac-md5; secret "FYhvwsW1ZtFZqWzsMpqhbg=="; };
You must also tell dhcpd that you want dynamic dns to work, add the following section:
ddns-updates on; ddns-update-style interim; update-static-leases on;
This tells dhcpd to:
- Enable Dynamic DNS
- Which style it must use (interim)
- Update static leases as well
For more information on this, consult the dhcpd.conf manual.
Per subnet, you also have to tell dhcpd which (reverse-)domain it should update and on which master domain server it is running.
ddns-domainname ""; ddns-rev-domainname ""; zone { primary; key dhcpdupdate; } zone { primary; key dhcpdupdate; }
This tells dhcpd a number of things:
- Which domain to use (ddns-domainname "";)
- Which reverse-domain to use (dnssec-rev-domainname "";)
- For the zones, where the primary master is located (primary;)
- Which TSIG key to use (key dhcpdupdate;). We defined the key earlier.
This concludes the changes that are needed to the dhcpd configuration file.
A number of small changes are needed to powerdns to make it accept dynamic updates from dhcpd.
Enabled DNS update (RFC 2136) support functionality in PowerDNS by adding the following to the PowerDNS configuration file (pdns.conf).
This tells PowerDNS to:
- Enable DNS update support(:ref:`setting-dnsupdate`)
- Allow updates from NO ip-address (":ref:`setting-allow-dnsupdate-from`=")
We just told powerdns (via the configuration file) that we accept updates from nobody via the :ref:`setting-allow-dnsupdate-from` parameter. That's not very useful, so we're going to give permissions per zone (including the appropriate reverse zone), via the domainmetadata table.
sql> select id from domains where name=''; 5 sql> insert into domainmetadata(domain_id, kind, content) values(5, 'ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM',''); sql> select id from domains where name=''; 6 sql> insert into domainmetadata(domain_id, kind, content) values(6, 'ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM','');
This gives the ip '' access to send update messages. Make sure you use the ip address of the machine that runs dhcpd.
Another thing we want to do, is add TSIG security. This can only be done via the domainmetadata table:
sql> insert into tsigkeys (name, algorithm, secret) values ('dhcpdupdate', 'hmac-md5', 'FYhvwsW1ZtFZqWzsMpqhbg=='); sql> select id from domains where name=''; 5 sql> insert into domainmetadata (domain_id, kind, content) values (5, 'TSIG-ALLOW-DNSUPDATE', 'dhcpdupdate'); sql> select id from domains where name=''; 6 sql> insert into domainmetadata (domain_id, kind, content) values (6, 'TSIG-ALLOW-DNSUPDATE', 'dhcpdupdate');
This will:
- Add the 'dhcpdupdate' key to our PowerDNSinstallation
- Associate the domains with the given TSIG key
Restart PowerDNS and you should be ready to go!
This is a short description of how DNS update messages are processed by PowerDNS.
- The DNS update message is received. If it is TSIG signed, the TSIG is validated against the tsigkeys table. If it is not valid, Refused is returned to the requestor.
- A check is performed on the zone to see if it is a valid zone. ServFail is returned when not valid.
- The dnsupdate setting is checked. Refused is returned when the setting is 'no'.
- If update policy Lua script is provided then skip up to 7.
- If the ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM has a value (from both domainmetadata and the configuration file), a check on the value is performed. If the requestor (sender of the update message) does not match the values in ALLOW-DNSUPDATE-FROM, Refused is returned.
- If the message is TSIG signed, the TSIG keyname is compared with the TSIG keyname in domainmetadata. If they do not match, a Refused is send. The TSIG-ALLOW-DNSUPDATE domainmetadata setting is used to find which key belongs to the domain.
- The backends are queried to find the backend for the given domain.
- If the domain is a slave domain, the forward-dnsupdate option and domainmetadata settings are checked. If forwarding to a master is enabled, the message is forward to the master. If that fails, the next master is tried until all masters are tried. If all masters fail, ServFail is returned. If a master succeeds, the result from that master is returned.
- A check is performed to make sure all updates/prerequisites are for the given zone. NotZone is returned if this is not the case.
- The transaction with the backend is started.
- The prerequisite checks are performed (section 3.2 of :rfc:`2136 <2136#section-3.2>`). If a check fails, the corresponding RCode is returned. No further processing will happen.
- Per record in the update message, a the prescan checks are performed. If the prescan fails, the corresponding RCode is returned. If the prescan for the record is correct, the actual update/delete/modify of the record is performed. If the update fails (for whatever reason), ServFail is returned. After changes to the records have been applied, the ordername and auth flag are set to make sure DNSSEC remains working. The cache for that record is purged.
- If there are records updated and the SOA record was not modified, the SOA serial is updated. See :ref:`dnsupdate-soa-serial-updates`. The cache for this record is purged.
- The transaction with the backend is committed. If this fails, ServFail is returned.
- NoError is returned.
.. versionadded:: 4.1.0
You can define a Lua script to handle DNS UPDATE message
authorization. The Lua script is to contain at least function called
which accepts one parameter. This parameter is an
object, containing all the information for the request. To permit
change, return true, otherwise return false. The script is called for
each record at a time and you can approve or reject any or all.
The object has following methods available:
DNSName getQName()
- name to updateDNSName getZoneName()
- zone nameint getQType()
- record type, it can be 255(ANY) for delete.ComboAddress getLocal()
- local socket addressComboAddress getRemote()
- remote socket addressNetmask getRealRemote()
- real remote address (or netmask if EDNS Subnet is used)DNSName getTsigName()
- TSIG key name (you can assume it is validated here)string getPeerPrincipal()
- Return peer principal name (user@DOMAIN
There are many same things available as in recursor Lua scripts, but
there is also resolve(qname, qtype)
which returns array of records.
resolve("", pdns.A)
You can use this to perform DNS lookups. If your resolver cannot find your local records, then this will not find them either. In other words, resolve does not perform local lookup.
Simple example script:
--- This script is not suitable for production use
function strpos (haystack, needle, offset)
local pattern = string.format("(%s)", needle)
local i = string.find (haystack, pattern, (offset or 0))
return (i ~= nil and i or false)
function updatepolicy(input)
princ = input:getPeerPrincipal()
if princ == ""
return false
if princ == "admin@DOMAIN" or input:getRemote():toString() == ""
return true
if (input:getQType() == pdns.A or input:getQType() == pdns.AAAA) and princ:sub(5,5) == '/' and strpos(princ, "@", 0) ~= false
i = strpos(princ, "@", 0)
if princ:sub(i) ~= "@DOMAIN"
return false
hostname = princ:sub(6, i-1)
if input:getQName():toString() == hostname .. "." or input:getQName():toString() == hostname .. "." .. input:getZoneName():toString()
return true
return false