The package is only compatible with AEM6.4 SP2 and later.
It uses OSGi r7 annotations and HTL 1.4 syntax.
Uses aem core components:
aem acs commoms:
Example use of OSGi r7 annotations
Some example usages of HTL 1.4 syntax
Provides an example of a CustomBindingProvider, this if you want generic objects available in HTL
Example on using a Map<> together with HTL
Code sample on using a LinkedList with HTL
Example on using Exporter-annotation with Sling-Models
How to get a request parameter in HTL
Validating HTL-files during build process
Example on using AutoCloseable functionality, no need to close ResourceResolvers in code
Formatting your date-objects in HTL
Formatting numbers in HTL
Example that shows the resolution of resources directly in HTL
Passing in request-attributes to data-sly-resource and data-sly-include
Example of the OSGi annotations, easy way to define OSGi properties. Properties defined in, default config here
Use of a lambda expression that is supported in Java8
Example of a custom Sling-Model implementation, that is picked up from the core components.
Example of using the CompositeValueMap to merge properties of two ValueMaps
Example of a basic healthcheck, that can be executed from the OSGi-console
Shows how to display a healthcheck card in the operations dashboard. To extend the default collection of healthchecks you need to use sling:configCollectionInherit on the /apps/settings/granite/operations/hc node
Example of a custom poller that gets executed based on the information in the cq:PollConfig node.
Common problem when defining a datalayer is that the JS-fragments are in the body, while some of those need to be in the head. This filter is moving JS-fragments from the body into the head.
Shows how to have a flexible way of using adapters, instead of always the same resource. Available since