Developer Version
Reference tobitmovin-player-ui
Bitmovin-ui is here.
Style: Moderm
UIManager.Factory: buildDefaultUI
- Clone Git repository
- Install node.js
- Install Gulp:
npm install --global gulp-cli
- Install required npm packages:
npm install
- Run Gulp tasks (
gulp --tasks
to build project into dist directory
*gulp watch
to develop and rebuild changed files automatically
*gulp serve
to open test page in browser, build and reload changed files automatically
*gulp lint
to lint TypeScript and SASS files
*gulp build-prod
to build project with minified files into dist directory
(feature : embeded place)
- Glossary button: Vue
- Glossary sidePage: Vue
- Highlight button: Vue
- Episode: Vue
- Back Button: Vue
- Title: Vue
- Highlight mark: bitmovin
- Highlight wave: bitmovin
- ...others: bitmovin
I've now use 7.8 (Beta-2) to develop For reason that I need to catch Event (ON_PLAYBACK_SPEED_CHANGE),which only appears in 7.8+. Unfortunately, 7.8+ only have beta version!
Communicating between Bitmovin-ui and Vue