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Yaws testsuites use the Common Test framework bundeled with the Erlang releases.

All testsuites are placed in the directory testsuite. A test suite is implemented as an Erlang module named <suite_name>_SUITE.erl which contains a number of test cases. A test case is an Erlang function that tests one or more things.

To run it, you need to compile Yaws with the autotools. The command make check should be used to run all tests.

Log files generated by tests execution are placed in the directory testsuite/logs directory. Global information about the last run are placed in the file testsuite/logs/yaws.log and a summary is printed on the standard output.

Running tests

To run all tests, you should run:

$> make check

This command will execute all tests, which can be quite long. When you write a new testsuite/testcase or for debugging purpose, it could be handy to execute some testsuites, skipping others. This can be done by defining SUITES, GRPS or CASES variables. For example:

$> make check SUITES="name1_SUITE name2_SUITE"
$> make check SUITES="name_SUITE" GRPS="group1 group2"
$> make check SUITES="name_SUITE" GRPS="group" CASES="testcase1 testcase2"

Defining SUITES variable, you can choose to execute one or more testsuites. You must use Erlang module name of the testsuites, without the .erl extension. Testcases inside a testsuite can be grouped. This is not mandatory, but when appropriate, you can be interested to not execute all groups. To do so, you must define GRPS variable. In the same way, you can also choose to not execute all testcases of a testsuite. This can be done by defining CASES variable. To choose groups or testcases, the testsuite must be defined. If testcases of a testsuite are grouped, the corresponding group must be specified to choose testcases inside a testsuite. if SUITES variable is undefined or contains more than one name, GRPS and CASES are ignored. And if GRPS variable contains more than on name, CASES are ignored.

Analyzing results

When the execution of the test suites proceeds, information are logged in three different way:

  • On the console, a summary about the execution is logged. You will find the status of each testcase (OK, KO or SKIPPED), the execution result of each testsuite and finally the result of the run.

  • in the file testsuite/logs/yaws.log. You will find global information in this file. When a failure occurs, the first thing to do is to look inside.

  • In the HTML report. All runs executed are listed in the file testsuite/logs/all_runs.html and direct links to all tests (the latest results) are written to the top-level testsuite/logs/index.html.

Code coverage analysis

It is possible to enable code coverage analysis by setting USE_COVER variable to yes:

$> make check USE_COVER=yes

The code coverage report is written in the file testsuite/logs/cover.html.


Debugging testsuites

When you write a testsuite or when an error occurs, it could by handy to execute tests step-by-step with the Erlang Debugger. To do so, you must set USE_DEBUGGER variable to yes. This enables the Debugger auto-attach feature of the Common Test framework, which means that for every new interpreted test case function that starts to execute, a new trace window automatically pops up.

Trace code execution

Another way to find a bug is to trace function calls. To do so, you must define TRACES variable using the following format:

TRACES  ::= "[PATTERN,...]"
PATTERN ::= Module | {Module, Function} | {Module, Function, Artiy}

For example:

$> make check SUITES="auth_SUITE" TRACES="[{yaws_server, is_auth, 2}, {yaws_server, handle_auth}, yaws_outmod]"

Traces are dumped in testsuites/testcases logs in the HTML reports. Tracing function calls can be expensive. So it important to reduce its scope as much as possible by selecting the rigth testsuite/testcase.

Writting a testsuite

Here, we assume that you know Erlang and you are familiar with the Common Test framework.

Testsuites organization

Testsuites must be written in the directory testsuite and must be named using the format <suite_name>_SUITE.erl. Data associated to this testsuite, if any, must be placed in the directory testsuite/<suite_name>_SUITE_data. If you need to use custom Erlang modules (appmod, runmod or anything else), it must be placed directly in the testsuite date directory. These modules will be compiled automatically. Template files (like the yaws configuration used by your testsuite) that requires variables substitution (see Template files and variables substitution) must be placed in the directory testsuite/<suite_name>_SUITE_data/templates. And finally, temporary files must be placed in the directory testsuite/<suite_name>_SUITE_data/temp. Note this directory will be automatically created and it will be removed with a make clean.

So here is a typical organisation for a testsuite:

├── <suite_name>_SUITE.erl
└── <suite_name>_SUITE_data
    ├── temp                # automatically created
    │   └── yaws.conf       # generated during the variables substitution
    │   └── tmp_file1       # created by the testsuite
    │   └── tmp_file2       # created by the testsuite
    ├── templates
    │   └── yaws.conf
    ├── my_appmod.erl
    ├── other_module.erl
    └── some_permanent_file1
    └── some_permanent_file2

Testsuite skeleton

Here is a basic skeleton that can be used to write new testsuites. You can refine it, depending on you needs :




%% Common test callback functions

%% For details about testcases and group declarations see Common Test
%% documentation.
%% (

%% Function: all() -> GroupsAndTestCases | {skip,Reason}
%% GroupsAndTestCases = [{group,GroupName} | TestCase]
%% GroupName = atom()
%%   Name of a test case group.
%% TestCase = atom()
%%   Name of a test case.
%% Reason = term()
%%   The reason for skipping all groups and test cases.
%% Description: Returns the list of groups and test cases that
%%              are to be executed.
all() ->

%% Function: groups() -> [Group]
%% Group = {GroupName,Properties,GroupsAndTestCases}
%% GroupName = atom()
%%   The name of the group.
%% Properties = [Shuffle | {RepeatType,N}]
%%   Group properties that may be combined.
%% GroupsAndTestCases = [Group | {group,GroupName} | TestCase]
%% TestCase = atom()
%%   The name of a test case.
%% Shuffle = shuffle | {shuffle,Seed}
%%   To get cases executed in random order.
%% Seed = {integer(),integer(),integer()}
%% RepeatType = repeat | repeat_until_all_ok | repeat_until_all_fail |
%%              repeat_until_any_ok | repeat_until_any_fail
%%   To get execution of cases repeated.
%% N = integer() | forever
%% Description: Returns a list of test case group definitions.
groups() ->

%% Function: init_per_suite(Config0) ->
%%               Config1 | {skip,Reason} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
%% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
%%   A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
%% Reason = term()
%%   The reason for skipping the suite.
%% Description: Initialization before the suite.
%% Note: This function is free to add any key/value pairs to the Config
%% variable, but should NOT alter/remove any existing entries.
init_per_suite(Config) ->

%% Function: end_per_suite(Config0) -> term() | {save_config,Config1}
%% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
%%   A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
%% Description: Cleanup after the suite.
end_per_suite(_Config) ->

%% Function: init_per_group(GroupName, Config0) ->
%%               Config1 | {skip,Reason} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
%% GroupName = atom()
%%   Name of the test case group that is about to run.
%% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
%%   A list of key/value pairs, holding configuration data for the group.
%% Reason = term()
%%   The reason for skipping all test cases and subgroups in the group.
%% Description: Initialization before each test case group.
init_per_group(_Group, Config) ->

%% Function: end_per_group(GroupName, Config0) ->
%%               term() | {save_config,Config1}
%% GroupName = atom()
%%   Name of the test case group that is finished.
%% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
%%   A list of key/value pairs, holding configuration data for the group.
%% Description: Cleanup after each test case group.
end_per_group(_Group, _Config) ->

%% Function: init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config0) ->
%%               Config1 | {skip,Reason} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
%% TestCase = atom()
%%   Name of the test case that is about to run.
%% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
%%   A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
%% Reason = term()
%%   The reason for skipping the test case.
%% Description: Initialization before each test case.
%% Note: This function is free to add any key/value pairs to the Config
%% variable, but should NOT alter/remove any existing entries.
init_per_testcase(_Test, Config) ->

%% Function: end_per_testcase(TestCase, Config0) ->
%%               term() | {save_config,Config1} | {fail,Reason}
%% TestCase = atom()
%%   Name of the test case that is finished.
%% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
%%   A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
%% Reason = term()
%%   The reason for failing the test case.
%% Description: Cleanup after each test case.
end_per_testcase(_Test, _Config) ->

%% Write your testcases here

%% Function: TestCase() -> Info
%% Info = [tuple()]
%%   List of key/value pairs.
%% Description: Test case info function - returns list of tuples to set
%%              properties for the test case.
%% Note: This function is only meant to be used to return a list of
%% values, not perform any other operations.
my_test_case() ->

%% Function: TestCase(Config0) ->
%%               ok | exit() | {skip,Reason} | {comment,Comment} |
%%               {save_config,Config1} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
%% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
%%   A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
%% Reason = term()
%%   The reason for skipping the test case.
%% Comment = term()
%%   A comment about the test case that will be printed in the html log.
%% Description: Test case function. (The name of it must be specified in
%%              the all/0 list or in a test case group for the test case
%%              to be executed).
my_test_case(_Config) ->

NOTE: For now, testcases cannot be run in parallel

When a testsuite starts, its temporary directory is created and template files are parsed. When it ends, we stop and unload yaws application, if needed to avoid any conflict with other testsuites.

Template files and variables substitution

Because many information depend on your configuration, like paths, it is convenient to have templates where predefined variables will be substituted during testsuite execution. This is especially true for yaws configurations. So you can write template files in the directory testsuite/<suite_name>_SUITE_data/templates. All files in this directory will be parsed when the testsuite starts and all known variables will be substituted. Generated files will be written in the directory testsuite/<suite_name>_SUITE_data/temp, using the same filename.

Here is the list of substituted variables:

  • $top_srcdir$: The absolute path of the top-level source code directory.
  • $top_builddir$: The absolute path of the top level of the current build tree.
  • $srcdir$: The path $top_srcdir$/src.
  • $ebindir$: The path $top_builddir$/ebin.
  • $ts_srcdir$: The path $top_srcdir$/testsuite.
  • $ts_builddir$: The path $top_builddir$/testsuite.
  • $wwwdir$: The path $top_srcdir$/www.
  • $ssldir$: The path $top_srcdir$/ssl.
  • $sslkeyfile$: The path $top_srcdir$/ssl/yaws-key.pem.
  • $sslcertfile$: The path $top_srcdir$/ssl/yaws-cert.pem.
  • $data_srcdir$: The path $ts_srcdir$/<suite_name>_SUITE_data.
  • $data_builddir$: The path $ts_builddir$/<suite_name>_SUITE_data.
  • $templatedir$: The path $data_srcdir$/templates.
  • $tempdir$: The path $data_builddir$/temp.
  • $logdir$: The private direcotry of the testsuite. It is equivalent to ?config(priv_dir, Config).
  • $yaws_port[1-20]$: Reserved ports that can be used to configure Yaws.

All these variables are also available from your Erlang module using macros for many of them. See testsuite/ file for details. There are only $logdir$ and $yaws_port[1-20]$ that require a function call:

  • To get the log directory in your testsuite, you should use ?config(priv_dir, Config).
  • To get a reserved port number you should use the call testsuite:get_yaws_config(N, Config).

Here is an example of a templatized Yaws configuration:

logdir = $logdir$

ebin_dir = $data_builddir$

trace                          = false
copy_error_log                 = true
log_wrap_size                  = 1000000
log_resolve_hostname           = false
fail_on_bind_err               = true
pick_first_virthost_on_nomatch = true
keepalive_timeout              = 10000

<server localhost>
        listen =
        port = $yaws_port1$
        deflate = true
        auth_log = true
        docroot = $data_srcdir$/www $tempdir$/www

<server localhost>
        listen =
        port = $yaws_port2$
        docroot = $wwwdir$
                keyfile = $sslkeyfile$
                certfile = $sslcertfile$
                depth = 0

Yaws testsuite API

The module testsuite/testsuite.erl is used as a Common Test Hook module to instrument testsuite executions. But it also provides an API to help you writing testcases.


create_dir(Dir) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
    Dir    :: file:name_all(),
    Reason :: any().

Ensures a directory exsit and creates it and all its parent, if necessary. If the direcory exists or if it is successfully created, the function returns ok. Otherwise it returns {error, Reason}.


get_yaws_port(N, Config) -> PortNum when
    N       :: pos_integer(), %% must be in the range [1, 20]
    Config  :: [tuple()],     %% Provided by the Common Test framework
    PortNum :: inet:port_number().

Returns the reserved port corresponding to the number N.


add_yaws_server(Docroot, SL) -> {ok, SConf} when
    Docroot :: string(),
    SL      :: [tuple()],
    SConf   :: #sconf{}.

Adds a new server into the running instance of Yaws. This function returns the computed configuration. This is equivalent to do yaws:add_server(Docroot, SL). To succeed, Yaws should have been previously started.


delete_yaws_server(SConf) -> ok when
    SConf :: #sconf{}.

Removes a server from the running instance of Yaws. The server configuration must be used to find the right server. This is equivalent to do yaws_config:delete_sconf(Sconf). To succeed, Yaws should have been previously started.


reset_yaws_servers() -> ok | {error, Reason} when
    Reason :: any().

Removes all servers from the running instance of Yaws. This is equivalent to do yaws_api:setconf(GConf, []), where the global configuration is retrieved calling yaws_api:getconf/0. To succeed, Yaws should have been previously started.


yaws_servers() -> [{IP, Port, VHost, SConf}] when
    IP    :: inet:ip_address(),
    Port  :: inet:port_number(),
    VHost :: string(),
    SConf :: #sconf{}.

Retrieves all servers hosted by the running instance of Yaws. To succeed, Yaws should have been previously started.


make_url(Scheme, Host, Port, Path) -> Url when
    Scheme :: http | https || string(),
    Host   :: string(),
    Port   :: inet:port_number(),
    Path   :: string(),
    Url    :: string().

Builds an absolute URL from its parts.


receive_http_headers(Sock) -> {ok, Result} | {error, Reason} when
    Sock           :: inet:socket() | ssl:socket(),
    Result         :: {StatusLine, Headers},
      StatusLine   :: {Vsn, Code, ReasonPhrase},
      Headers      :: [{Name, Value}],
      Vsn          :: string(), %% "HTTP/X.Y",
      Code         :: integer(),
      ReasonPhrase :: string(),
      Name         :: string(),
      Value        :: string(),
    Reason         :: any().

Reads the status lust and all the headers of a HTTP response. To succeed, a request should have been previously sent.


receive_http_body(Sock, Length) -> {ok, Body} | {error, Reaosn} when
    Sock           :: inet:socket() | ssl:socket(),
    Length         :: undefined | pos_integer(),
    Body           :: binary(),
    Reason         :: any().

Reads the all the body of the HTTP response. To succeed, a request should have been previously sent. If Length is set to undefined, then the body is read until the socket is closed. Else the Length value is supposed to be extracted from the Content-Lengh header of the response. For chunked transfer encoding body, use receive_http_chunked_body/1.


receive_chunked_http_body(Sock) -> {ok, Body} | {error, Reaosn} when
    Sock           :: inet:socket() | ssl:socket(),
    Body           :: Data | {Data, Trailers},
      Data         :: binary(),
      Trailers     :: [{Name, Value}],
      Name         :: string(),
      Value        :: string(),
    Reason         :: any().

Reads the all chunks of the HTTP response body. The response is supposed to be chunked encoded. To succeed, a request should have been previously sent.


receive_http_response(Sock) -> receive_http_response(unknown, Sock, infinity).
receive_http_response(Meth, Sock) -> receive_http_response(Meth, Sock, infinity).

receive_http_response(Meth, Sock, Tout) -> {ok, Result} | {error, Reason} when
    Sock           :: inet:socket() | ssl:socket(),
    Meth           :: head | get | put | post | trace | options | delete | atom(),
    Tout           :: infinity | pos_integer(),
    Result         :: {StatusLine, Headers, Body},
      StatusLine   :: {Vsn, Code, ReasonPhrase},
      Headers      :: [{Name, Value}],
      Body         :: Data | {Data, Trailers},
      Vsn          :: string(), %% "HTTP/X.Y",
      Code         :: integer(),
      ReasonPhrase :: string(),
      Name         :: string(),
      Value        :: string(),
      Data         :: binary(),
      Trailers     :: [{Name, Value}],
    Reason         :: any().

Reads a full HTTP response. To succeed, a request should have been previously sent.


send_http_headers(Sock, Req, Headers) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
    Sock    :: inet:socket() | ssl:socket(),
    Req     :: {Meth, Path, Vsn} | string(),
    Headers :: [{Name, Value}],
      Meth  :: head | get | put | post | trace | options | delete | atom(),
      Path  :: string(),
      Vsn   :: string(), %% "HTTP/X.Y"
      Name  :: string(),
      Value :: string(),
    Reason  :: any().

Sends the request line and all headers of a HTTP request.


send_http_body(Sock, Body) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
    Sock      :: inet:socket() | ssl:socket(),
    Body      :: iolist() | {chunks, iolist()} | {Process, Acc} | {chunkify, Process, Acc},
      Process :: fun(Acc) -> eof | {ok, iolist(), Acc} | {error, Reason},
      Acc     :: any(),
    Reason    :: any().

Sends the body of a HTTP request.


send_http_request(Sock, Req, Headers) -> send_http_request(Sock, Req, Headers, <<>>).

send_http_request(Sock, Req, Headers, Body) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
    Sock      :: inet:socket() | ssl:socket(),
    Req       :: {Meth, Path, Vsn} | string(),
    Headers   :: [{Name, Value}],
    Body      :: iolist() | {chunks, iolist()} | {Process, Acc} | {chunkify, Process, Acc},
      Meth    :: head | get | put | post | trace | options | delete | atom(),
      Path    :: string(),
      Vsn     :: string(), %% "HTTP/X.Y"
      Name    :: string(),
      Value   :: string(),
      Process :: fun(Acc) -> eof | {ok, iolist(), Acc} | {error, Reason},
      Acc     :: any(),
    Reason    :: any().

Sends a full HTTP request.


http_get(Url) -> http_get(Url, [], [], []).
http_get(Url, Headers) -> http_get(Url, Headers, [], []).
http_get(Url, Headers, HttpOpts) -> http_get(Url, Headers, HttpOpts, []).

http_get(Url, Headers, HttpOpts, SockOpts) -> {ok, Result} | {error, Reason} when
    Url       :: string(), %% "scheme://host:port/path?QS",
    Headers   :: [{Name, Value}],
    HttpOpts  :: [HttpOpt],
    SockOpts  :: gen_tcp:connect_option() | ssl:socket_option(),
      Name    :: string(),
      Value   :: string(),
      HttpOpt ::   {connect_timeout, pos_integer() | infinity}
                 | {timeout, pos_integer() | infinity}
                 | {proxy, {PHost, PPort}}
                 | {version, string()}, %% "HTTP/X.Y"
      PHost   :: string(),
      PPort   :: inet:port_number(),
    Reason    :: any().

Sends a HTTP request using the GET Method, and returns the corrsponding HTTP response.


http_post(Url, {CT, Body}) -> http_post(Url, [], {CT, Body}, [], []).
http_post(Url, Headers, {CT, Body}) ->  http_post(Url, Headers, {CT, Body}, [], []).
http_post(Url, Headers, {CT, Body}, HttpOpts) ->  http_post(Url, Headers, {CT, Body}, HttpOpts, []).

http_post(Url, Headers, {CT, Body}, HttpOpts, SockOpts) ->  {ok, Result} | {error, Reason} when
    Url       :: string(), %% "scheme://host:port/path?QS",
    Headers   :: [{Name, Value}],
    CT        :: string(),
    Body      :: iolist() | {chunks, iolist()} | {Process, Acc} | {chunkify, Process, Acc},
    HttpOpts  :: [HttpOpt],
    SockOpts  :: gen_tcp:connect_option() | ssl:socket_option(),
      Name    :: string(),
      Value   :: string(),
      Process :: fun(Acc) -> eof | {ok, iolist(), Acc} | {error, Reason},
      Acc     :: any(),
      HttpOpt ::   {connect_timeout, pos_integer() | infinity}
                 | {timeout, pos_integer() | infinity}
                 | {proxy, {PHost, PPort}}
                 | {version, string()}, %% "HTTP/X.Y"
      PHost   :: string(),
      PPort   :: inet:port_number(),
    Reason    :: any().

Sends a HTTP request using the POST Method, and returns the corrsponding HTTP response.


http_req(Meth, Url) ->  http_req(Meth, Url, [], <<>>, [], []).
http_req(Meth, Url, Headers) ->  http_req(Meth, Url, Headers, <<>>, [], []).
http_req(Meth, Url, Headers, Body) ->  http_req(Meth, Url, Headers, Body, [], []).
http_req(Meth, Url, Headers, Body, HttpOpts) ->  http_req(Meth, Url, Headers, Body, HttpOpts, []).

http_req(Meth, Url, Headers, Body, HttpOpts, SockOpts) ->  {ok, Result} | {error, Reason} when
    Meth      :: head | get | put | post | trace | options | delete | atom(),
    Url       :: string(), %% "scheme://host:port/path?QS",
    Headers   :: [{Name, Value}],
    Body      :: iolist() | {CT, Data},
    HttpOpts  :: [HttpOpt],
    SockOpts  :: gen_tcp:connect_option() | ssl:socket_option(),
      Name    :: string(),
      Value   :: string(),
      CT      :: string(),
      Data    :: iolist() | {chunks, iolist()} | {Process, Acc} | {chunkify, Process, Acc},
      Process :: fun(Acc) -> eof | {ok, iolist(), Acc} | {error, Reason},
      Acc     :: any(),
      HttpOpt ::   {connect_timeout, pos_integer() | infinity}
                 | {timeout, pos_integer() | infinity}
                 | {proxy, {PHost, PPort}}
                 | {version, string()}, %% "HTTP/X.Y"
      PHost   :: string(),
      PPort   :: inet:port_number(),
    Reason    :: any().

Sends a HTTP request and returns the corresponding HTTP response.


post_file(Acc) -> Result when
    Acc    :: {File, MaxSz},
    Result :: eof | {ok, iolist(), Acc} | {error, Reason},
      File   :: file:name_all(),
      MaxSz  :: non_neg_integer(),
      Reason :: any().

A body processor function that could be used in previous functions to send a file as the request body.