Node.js is an efficient, light weight and cross platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code. npm(node package manager) is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries. LambdaTest enables node.js scripts to run on the Selenium automation grid. This tutorial will help you run Nodejs automation scripts over LambdaTest Selenium Grid.
- Install npm.
sudo apt install npm
- Install NodeJS.
sudo apt install nodejs
Step 1. Clone the NodeJs Selenium Repository.
git clone
Step 2. Export the Lambda-test Credentials. You can get these from your automation dashboard.
For Linux/macOS::
For Windows:
Step 3. Inside nodejs.selenium repository install necessary packages.
cd nodejs-selenium-sample
npm i
Step 4. To run your First Test.
npm test
or node index.js
You can check your test results on the Automation Dashboard.
- Importing Selenium Wedriver,setting up username, access-key, and grid-host.
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
// USERNAME & KEY can be found at automation dashboard
const USERNAME = 'shwetas';
const KEY = 'xhfQswR5454';
// gridUrl: gridUrl can be found at automation dashboard
const GRID_HOST = '';
- Define the Test function and capabilities.
function searchTextOnGoogle() {
// Setup Input capabilities
const capabilities = {
platform: 'windows 10',
browserName: 'firefox',
version: 'latest',
resolution: '1280x800',
geoLocation :'IT',
network: false,
visual: false,
console: false,
video: true,
name: 'Test 1', // name of the test
build: 'NodeJS build' // name of the build
// URL: https://{username}:{accessToken}
- Next, we create the grid url and create the selenium driver object.
const gridUrl = 'https://' + USERNAME + ':' + KEY + '@' + GRID_HOST;
// setup and build selenium driver object
const driver = new webdriver.Builder()
- At last, we try to search LambdaTest on google.
// navigate to a url, search for a text and get title of page
driver.get('').then(function() {
driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('LambdaTest\n').then(function() {
driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
console.log("test failed with reason "+err)
Download the Underpass app for your operating system. Refer to our support documentation for more information on Lambda Underpass-tunnel-app.
LambdaTest is a cloud based Selenium Grid Infrastructure that can help you run automated cross browser compatibility tests on 2000+ different browser and operating system environments. LambdaTest supports all programming languages and frameworks that are supported with Selenium, and have easy integrations with all popular CI/CD platforms. It's a perfect solution to bring your Selenium test automation to cloud based infrastructure that not only helps you increase your test coverage over multiple desktop and mobile browsers, but also allows you to cut down your test execution time by running tests on parallel.