This Strafes plugin was made in order to offer the same expereicence as the one on Hive. This plugin mainly serves the purpose to help map markers in their endeavours of making further DeathRun maps, in order to test them.
/leap - Gives the item for leaping to a player (strafes.leap)
/strafes - Gives the items for strafing to a player (strafes.strafes)
/strafes help - Sends help message (
/strafes velocity - Opens the container for velocity editing (strafes.velocity)
/strafes velocity strafe - Sets the values for strafe velocities (strafes.velocity)
/strafes velocity leap - Sets the values for leap velocities (strafes.velocity)
/strafes cooldowns/cds/cooldown - Opens the container for cooldown editing (strafes.cooldowns)
In order to setup a powerup you need to place a sign under the block that has 3 lines (the powerup name, level and duration in seconds). Currently there are 2 powerups registered and working- speed and jump.
Place a sign under a block. On the first line write down speed (since that is what the powerup is called), on the second write the level (the level the potion effect should be) and on the third write down the duration in seconds (2 for 2 seconds).
Jump powerups are setup exactly the same, but with "jump" instead of "speed" on the first line.
The project uses Maven, with no local dependencies. Therefore building it is as simple as cloning the project and running
mvn clean verify
inside the directory. Results of the compilation can be found in /target/
If you want to use the API feel free to take a look at the Powerup Demo I wrote.
You can use the code as a dependency from JitPack:
If you want to contribute to the project, all you have to do is to fork the project, make the wanted changes, and create a branch with a description of your feature.
In order to report a bug, head over to the issues section and file a report with as much detail as possible! Remember, we need as much information as possible to be able to fix the issue.
We use M-Lib for sending messages, and all the messages for the plugins live inside the M-Lib/messages.yml
Via discord! You can contact me easily on discord at Gargant#7711!