Android Library that provides animated and customizable intelligent payment keyboards. This library is full developed in Kotlin language.
Add the following dependency to your build:gradle app file, then sync the project
compile 'com.gportas:payment-keyboards:0.9.2'
Instantiate an expiration date keyboard:
val myExpirationDateKeyboard = ExpirationDateKeyboardFragment(20, R.color.keyboardPrimaryColor, R.color.keyboardSecondaryColor, R.color.keyboardPrimaryTextColor, R.color.keyboardSecondaryTextColor)
Add a listener to get the date entered on the keyboard:
myExpirationDateKeyboard.setDateChangedListener(object : DataChangedListener() {
override fun onDataChanged(data: String) {
//Do whatever you want
Instantiate a credit card numeric keyboard:
val myCreditCardKeyboard = CreditCardNumberKeyboardFragment(R.color.keyboardPrimaryColor, R.color.keyboardSecondaryColor, R.color.keyboardPrimaryTextColor, R.color.keyboardSecondaryTextColor)
Add a listener to get the number entered on the keyboard:
myCreditCardKeyboard.setCreditCardNumberChangedListener(object : DataChangedListener() {
override fun onDataChanged(data: String) {
//Do whatever you want
Now we will use a CreditCardTypeListener to get the credit card type by the entered number. In this case we are going to throw a toast message if the credit card is a Mastercard card:
myCreditCardKeyboard.setCreditCardTypeListener(object : CreditCardTypeListener(){
override fun onCardRecognized(cardNumber: String, type: String) {
if(CreditCardTypeListener.TYPE_MASTERCARD == type){
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Mastercard", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Implement IKeyboardManager interface in your activity to manage your keyboard opening and closing:
class MyActivity : IKeyboardManager, AppCompatActivity() {
override var isKeyboardOpened: Boolean = false
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
override fun openKeyboard(activity: AppCompatActivity, keyboard: BaseKeyboardFragment, frameLayoutResId: Int) {
super.openKeyboard(activity, keyboard, frameLayoutResId)
override fun openKeyboardWithSlideUpAnimation(activity: AppCompatActivity, keyboard: BaseKeyboardFragment, frameLayoutResId: Int) {
super.openKeyboardWithSlideUpAnimation(activity, keyboard, frameLayoutResId)
override fun hideKeyboard(activity: AppCompatActivity, frameLayoutResId: Int) {
super.hideKeyboard(activity, frameLayoutResId)
Check Bintray to be aware of the latest version and see the full history of versions.
- Guillermo Portas - GPortas
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details