Unobtrusive vanilla JS toolset for Phoenix framework
A compact port of jquery-ujs for Phoenix framework (the library is agnostic, so you can use it with other backends as well). The library does not requires jQuery and covers only essential needs:
- non-'GET' links (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, etc)
- confirmation and/or remote request on clicking link or submitting form
- refreshing CSRF inputs in forms (fix browser form caching)
npm i --save phoenix_ujs
If your js build system supports commonjs require
and/or import
methods (Brunch, Webpack, Browserify) add the
next code at the top of your main js file:
var UJS = require("phoenix_ujs");
// or
import "phoenix_ujs";
For other cases you can use one of the package files:
~ : ls node_modules/phoenix_ujs
ujs.js # browser version
ujs.min.js # minified browser version
ujs.cjs.js # commonjs version (used in `require` by default) # ES6 version
To setup your backend - open layout file and add next at the top of the :
<!-- example for Phoenix.HTML 2.7.1+ -->
<%= csrf_meta_tag() %>
<!-- example for Phoenix.HTML 2.7.0 and below-->
<meta name="csrf-token" content="<%= get_csrf_token() %>"/>
<!-- also meta tag can contain the next setting-attributes:
<!-- to specify non-get method add `ujs-method` -->
<a href="/request/post" ujs-method="post">Make a POST request</a>
<a href="/request/delete" ujs-method="delete">Make a DELETE request</a>
<a href="/request/patch" ujs-method="patch">Make a PATCH request</a>
<!-- add confirmation with `ujs-confirm` -->
<a href="/request/get" ujs-confirm="Are you sure?">Ask confirmation to open link</a>
<a href="/request/post" ujs-confirm="Are you sure?" ujs-method="post">Ask confirmation to make a POST request</a>
<form action="/request/post" method="POST" ujs-confirm="Are you sure?">
<!-- ask confirmation when form is submitting -->
<!-- make an ajax request on click if `ujs-remote` is present -->
<!-- the next event will be triggered:
ajax:beforeSend - event before AJAX call. AJAX request can be canceled if handler will return `false`
ajax:success - a success response (2xx status code)
ajax:error - an error response (4xx, 5xx status code)
ajax:complete - an response received with any status
<a href="/request/patch" ujs-method="patch" ujs-remote>Patch remotely</a>
<form action="/request/post" method="POST" ujs-remote>
<!-- AJAX form submitting -->
The library exports module (window.UJS in browser version) with the next properties:
- the confirmation function which accepts a message as the first argument. You can override it for your needscsrf
- a CSRF configuration object:token
- a current CSRF token. You can skip the meta tag in the header and put the token in runtimeheader
- a header used for CSRF requestsparam
- a query/form param used for CSRF requests
- the AJAX contructor
var UJS = require("phoenix_ujs");
UJS.xhr(method, url, options);
// a simple get request
// all ajax events (ajax:beforeSend, ajax:success, ...) will be triggered on document
UJS.xhr("GET", "/api/ping", {
success: function(xhr) {
UJS.xhr("POST", "/api/posts", {
type: 'json', // convert data into json, set Content-Type & Accept headers
data: { post: { title: "The first post", body: "Hello world!" } }, // the request's payload
success: function(xhr) {
alert("The post has been published");
accepts the next params:
- additional headerstarget
- js event target (by default - document)beforeSend
- the callback before xhr executed. It passes the config with xhr & options properties.return false
will stop the ajax requestsuccess
- the success callback (200 <= status_code < 300)error
- the error callback (status_code >= 400)complete
- the complete callback (any status_code)type
- indicated additional processings;- "json" - converts data into json string, sets Content-Type & Accept headers to
- "text" - sets Content-Type & Accept headers to
- Array(2..3) - sets Content-Type - the first array's element, sets Accept - the second array's element and process data with the third element (if it's exist)
- "json" - converts data into json string, sets Content-Type & Accept headers to
Each ajax request triggers the following events:
is triggered before making an ajax call. In this event you can cancel the ajax request:
document.addEventListener('ajax:beforeSend', function(e) {
if( === 'I') {
// if <i> triggered an ajax request - stop the ajax
} else {'my-vendor-header',;
is triggered after getting an response and response is 2xx.
document.addEventListener('ajax:success', function(e) {
is triggered after getting an response and response is 4xx or 5xx.
document.addEventListener('ajax:success', function(e) {
is triggered after any response:
document.addEventListener('ajax:success', function(e) {
- executing a response js code. It's highly recommended to not do it, but if you need - there's an example:
document.addEventListener('ajax:success', function(e) {
if( &&'ujs-eval')) {
<a href="/some/url" ujs-method="get" ujs-remote ujs-eval>Eval the server code</a>
If you're working on a project with old browsers support (IE 9-, Android 2.x, etc) - the library will not work unless you add a polyfill for FormData. For example this one
- tests
- examples