Cloud Security blogs, podcasts, standards, projects, and examples.
- Public Cloud Governance
- Containers
- Cloud Security Standards
- Learning
- Certifications
- Projects
- Examples
- Misc
- Contribute
- License
- AWS CodePipeline Governance
- AWS Config Rules Development Kit
- AWS Control Tower Customizations
- AWS Security Hub Automated Response and Remediation
- AWS Well Architected Labs
- Aqua
- Anchore - Anchore Engine Operator
- Falco Security - Falco Operator
- Quay - Project Quay Container Security
- Snyk - Snyk Operator
- Splunk - Splunk Operator for Kubernetes
- Sysdig - Sysdig Agent Operator
- Anchore
- Aqua
- Docker - Docker Bench for Security
- Elias - Dagda
- Falco Security - Falco
- Harbor - Harbor
- Quay - Clair
- Snyk - Snyk
- vchinnipilli - Kubestriker
- Oracle
- A Cloud Guru
- Learning Paths
- Cloud Vendors
- ISC2 - International Information System Security Certification Consortium
- CSA - Cloud Security Alliance
- AWS Labs
- Duo Labs
- Netflix
- Salesforce
- Misc
- Netflix
- PagerDuty
- PagerDuty Automated Remediation Docs
- PagerDuty Business Response Docs
- PagerDuty DevSecOps Docs
- PagerDuty Full Case Ownership Docs
- PagerDuty Full Service Ownership Docs
- PagerDuty Going OnCall Docs
- PagerDuty Incident Response Docs
- PagerDuty Operational Review Docs
- PagerDuty PostMortem Docs
- PagerDuty Retrospectives Docs
- PagerDuty Stakeholder Communication Docs
- AWS Config Rules Repository
- AWS Inspector Agent Autodeploy
- AWS Inspector Auto Remediation
- AWS Inspector Lambda Finding Processor
- AWS Centralized Logging
- AWS Config Snapshots to ElasticSearch
- AWS CloudWatch Events Monitor Security Groups
- Other Awesome Lists
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To the extent possible under law, Jacob Silva has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.