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Tags: FrenkT/psds_eval



Toggle v0.5.3's commit message
Prepare for repo ownership transfer


Toggle v0.5.2's commit message
Release 0.5.2

Bug fixes
- Custom metadata columns are not filtered out
- Fixed Pandas FutureDeprecation warning on frame.append


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
Release v0.5.0 of PSDS Eval

- Operating point arrays are initialised with np.nan
- Ground Truth and Metadata tables drop extra columns
- Fixed Numpy type deprecation warnings


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message
Release v0.4.0 of PSDS Eval

- input tables with invalid indexes no longer create issues (fix for
  issue #3: PSDSEval.add_operating_point needs index column explicitly
  right now.)
- ground_truth table and detection tables are now checked for invalid
  events (events with onset > offset or with overlapping events from
  the same class). An error is raised if invalid events are found.
- zero length events are now automatically omitted from ground_truth
  and detection tables before the evaluation.
- tests and examples are updated to fix the overlapping labels in DCASE
  ground truth example


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message
Release v0.3.0 of PSDS Eval

- Allow user to insert information per operating point
- Retrieve operating points based on given criteria


Toggle v0.2.0's commit message
Release 0.2.0

- Introduced a new plot function for displaying per-class PSD-ROC.
- Added support for external axes to the plot_psd_roc function.
- Added the duration_unit as class attribute. It is then returned by
  the PSDSEval.psds function in the PSDS namedtuple.
- Added a jupyter notebook that shows how the PSDS can be used to
  extract performance insights for the DCASE2020 Task 4 baseline
  system. It also explain in more details few features of PSDS metric.


Toggle v0.1.0's commit message
Release 0.1.0

- Added function for computing macro F-score. It is defined as the
average of the
per class F-score metrics.

Bug fixes
- Relaxed check of increasing monotonicity for eTPR (effective True
Positive Rate).
This check is performed in the function that calculates the area under
curve and it is now disabled when the parameter `alpha_ct > 0`. In this
case such
property can't be guaranteed.
- The confusion matrix (`counts`) was built with inverse axis which then
the cross-trigger rate to be assigned to the wrong class.