This was the very first beta version released on as part of the Tool Jam 3. It is no longer possible to compile this version of the source code due to extensive breaking changes in some of its dependencies (mostly TileGameLib) so it has been abandoned in favor of version 0.2b which has been rebuilt in a separate project (see
PTM (Programmable Tile Machine) is a "pseudo-8-bit fantasy computer" that you can program using an imperative, semi-structured, low-level programming language called PTML. The system aims to be similar in look-and-feel to some early 8-bit computer systems such as the MSX, ZX Spectrum and Atari 800. Also inspired by the modern game engines Bitsy and PICO-8.
To write programs in PTML you just need a plain-text editor like Notepad or any other. The machine expects PTML program files to have the extension ".ptm" by default.
The file "PTM.exe" is the machine executable itself. If you simply double-click this file, it specifically looks for a file called "main.ptm" in the same directory. This file must contain PTML source code in plain text which will be interpreted at runtime. Alternatively, you can pass the name of a PTML program file as an argument to this executable via the command prompt and it will load then run the specified program. Another way to load and run programs is to drag-and-drop the program file onto PTM.exe.
The file "PTM-Launcher.exe" is a simple tool that shows a window with a list of all ".ptm" files in the same directory. Simply double-click a file to start the machine with the selected program.
Strictly tile-based display engine
- Tiles are the most basic unit for drawing anything on the screen
- Screen resolution of 360x200 pixels, divided into 45 columns by 25 rows of tiles
- Automatic animation of tile sequences in an independent thread
- 8x8 pixel squares
- Support for automatic animations with multiple animation frames (tile sequences)
- Each tile frame contains an index into the global tileset
- Each tile frame contains two color indexes (foreground and background) into the global palette
- Each tile can be "transparent" (meaning the background color is not drawn)
- Each tile can contain arbitrary data in the form of property-value mappings
Color palette
- Can store up to 256 colors
- Fully editable
- RGB format (0xRRGGBB)
- By default only includes 2 basic colors (black and white)
Tileset (aka character set)
- Fully editable
- Binary format (8 bytes for each tile)
- By default includes 256 characters partially based on ASCII
- Expandable, up to 256 pages of 256 tiles each, for a total of 65536 possible tiles
Tile buffers
- Support for multiple buffers of arbitrary size and position
- Includes a default buffer covering the entire screen at startup
- Multiple layers
- Scrollable viewport
- Hide or show buffers individually
- Functions for moving tiles and tile blocks around
Other features
- Asynchronous sound playback in single-channel, square wave only, MML-style (Music Macro Language)
- Read/write files
- Detect keyboard input
- Support for simple variables and constants
- Two data types only: integers and strings (weakly typed)
- Arrays and basic array functions
- Common string manipulation functions
- Debugging support
NOP Stay idle for 1 machine cycle
INCL filename Include another PTML file (only valid into the "main.ptm" program file)
EXIT Terminate program and close window
HALT Terminate program but keep window open
RESET Restart machine and program
TITLE "text" Set the text that appears as the window title
CYCLES x Store in the variable x the number of cycles elapsed since the machine started
GOTO label Transfer execution to code starting from label
IF.GOTO x, y, label Transfer execution to code starting from label only if x equals y
CALL label Transfer execution to subroutine starting from label
IF.CALL x, y, label Transfer execution to subroutine starting from label only if x equals y
RET Return from subroutine
PAUSE x Pause program execution for x cycles
FOR x, first, last FOR x, first, last, step Begin a loop using variable x, starting at first value until last value. The "step" is optional and indicates whether to "skip" value by that amount (step defaults to 1 if not specified)
NEXT Mark the end of a loop iteration
BRK Exit a loop prematurely
SKIP Skip the current loop iteration
IF.EQ x, y Begin a conditional block that will only be executed if x equals y
IF.NEQ x, y Begin a conditional block that will only be executed if x is not equal to y
IF.GT x, y Begin a conditional block that will only be executed if x is greater than y
IF.GTE x, y Begin a conditional block that will only be executed if x is greater than or equal to y
IF.LT x, y Begin a conditional block that will only be executed if x is lesser than y
IF.LTE x, y Begin a conditional block that will only be executed if x is lesser than or equal to y
IF.KEY keyname Begin a conditional block that will only be executed if the specified key is pressed
ENDIF Mark the end of a conditional block
VAR name, value Define or redefine a variable
DEF name, value Define a constant
ARR.NEW name ARR.NEW name, initial_size Create a new array with an optional initial size
ARR.PUSH name, value Add a value to an array
ARR.SET name[index], value Set value in the array at the specified index
ARR.LEN name, x Store in x the length of the specified array
ARR.ERASE name, index Remove from the array the item at the specified index. This reduces the size of the array
ARR.CLR name Remove all items from the array
ARR.COPY src, dest Make array dest equal to array src
ARR.FOR name, iteration_var Begin a loop over the specified array. The variable iteration_var will store the value at the current index of the array. The end of the loop iteration must be marked with the "NEXT" command
RND x, min, max Store in x a random number between min and max, inclusive
INC x Increment variable x by 1
DEC x Decrement variable x by 1
ADD result, x, y Add x to y and store result
SUB result, x, y Subtract x from y and store result
MUL result, x, y Multiply x by y and store result
DIV result, x, y Divide x by y and store quotient
DIVR remainder, x, y Divide x by y and store remainder
POW result, base, power Perform exponentiation and store result
SQRT result, x Calculate square root of x and store result
TILE.NEW Clear all frames from the working tile (start with an "empty" tile)
TILE.NEW tile_index, fore_color_index, back_color_index Define the working tile with a single frame. The tile frame will contain the specified tile index (from the tileset), foreground and background color indices (from the color palette)
TILE.ADD tile_index, fore_color_index, back_color_index Append a new animation frame to the working tile. The new frame will contain the specified tile index (from the tileset), foreground and background color indices (from the color palette)
TILE.SETC frame_index, tile_index Set the tile index of the specified frame in the working tile
TILE.SETF frame_index, color_index Set the foreground color index of the specified frame in the working tile
TILE.SETB frame_index, color_index Set the background color index of the specified frame in the working tile
TILE.COLOR frame_index, fore_color_index, back_color_index Set the foreground and background color indices of the specified frame in the working tile
TILE.GETC x, frame_index Store in x the tile index of the specified frame in the working tile
TILE.GETF x, frame_index Store in x the foreground color index of the specified frame in the working tile
TILE.GETB x, frame_index Store in x the background color index of the specified frame in the working tile
TILE.PARSE format Define the working tile using a special format string. The syntax is: "tile_index,foreground_color_index,background_color_index;" Repeat for each animation frame in the tile
TILE.STORE x Store in x the working tile
TILE.LOAD x Load working tile from x
TILE.SETP property, value Set property with the specified value in the working tile
TILE.GETP x, property Store in x the value of the specified property from the working tile
LAYER index Select the specified index in the current tilebuffer
LOCATE column, row Set the tilebuffer cursor at the specified column and row
CSR.X column Set the tilebuffer cursor at the specified column
CSR.Y row Set the tilebuffer cursor at the specified row
CSR.GETX variable Store in variable the column where the tilebuffer cursor is currently located
CSR.GETY variable Store in variable the row where the tilebuffer cursor is currently located
CSR.MOV horizontal_distance, vertical_distance Move the tilebuffer cursor by the specified distance
CSR.R CSR.R distance Move the tilebuffer cursor to the right by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
CSR.L CSR.L distance Move the tilebuffer cursor to the left by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
CSR.U CSR.U distance Move the tilebuffer cursor up by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
CSR.D CSR.D distance Move the tilebuffer cursor down by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
CSR.UR CSR.UR distance Move the tilebuffer cursor up and right by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
CSR.UL CSR.UL distance Move the tilebuffer cursor up and left by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
CSR.DR CSR.DR distance Move the tilebuffer cursor down and right by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
CSR.DL CSR.DL distance Move the tilebuffer cursor down and left by the specified distance, or by 1 if not specified
BUF.NEW name, cols, rows, layers Create a new tilebuffer with the specified name and dimensions
BUF.SEL name Select the specified tilebuffer
BUF.SHOW Make the selected tilebuffer visible
BUF.HIDE Make the selected tilebuffer invisible
BUF.VIEW column, row, width, height Set position and size of the viewport of the selected tilebuffer
BUF.SCRL horizontal_distance, vertical_distance Scroll the viewport of the selected tilebuffer
BUF.COLS x Store in x the width (in tile columns) of the selected tilebuffer
BUF.ROWS x Store in x the height (in tile rows) of the selected tilebuffer
PUT Put a copy of the working tile at the current cursor position in the selected tilebuffer
GET Get a copy of the tile at the current cursor position in the selected tilebuffer and set it as the working tile
DEL Delete the tile at the current cursor position in the selected tilebuffer
PUT.R PUT.R distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor right by the specified distance
PUT.L PUT.L distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor left by the specified distance
PUT.U PUT.U distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor up by the specified distance
PUT.D PUT.D distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor down by the specified distance
PUT.UR PUT.UR distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor up and right by the specified distance
PUT.UL PUT.UL distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor up and left by the specified distance
PUT.DR PUT.DR distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor down and right by the specified distance
PUT.DL PUT.DL distance Same as the PUT command, but also moves the cursor down and left by the specified distance
RECT column, row, width, height Fill a rectangle in the selected tilebuffer with copies of the working tile
FILL Fill the entire selected layer of the selected tilebuffer with copies of the working tile
CLS Delete all tiles from all layers in the selected tilebuffer
CLL Delete all tiles in the selected layer in the selected tilebuffer
CLR column, row, width, height Delete all tiles within the specified rectangle in the selected layer of the selected tilebuffer
MOV horizontal_distance, vertical_distance Move tile at the current cursor position in the selected tilebuffer by the specified distance
MOVB column, row, width, height, horizontal_distance, vertical_distance Move entire rectangle of tiles in the selected tilebuffer by the specified distance
DRAW format Put tiles in the selected tilebuffer according to the specified format
PRINT format Print text using the specified format
PRINT.ADD format Print text using the specified format, preserving the existing text at the same position
PRINTL Same as the PRINT command, but moves cursor to the next line after printing
PRINTR text Almost the same as the PRINT command, but does not recognize any escape sequences
PUTC tile_index, foreground_color_index, background_color_index Put the specified single frame tile at the current cursor position in the selected tilebuffer
FCOL color_index Set foreground color of text
BCOL color_index Set background color of text
COLOR foreground_color_index, background_color_index Set foreground and background colors of text
VSYNC Update the screen
WCOL color_index Set window background color
TRON Enable tile transparency
TROFF Disable tile transparency
CHR tile_index, pixel_row_index, byte Define pixel pattern of a row in the tile at the specified index in the tileset. The pixel_row_index must be between 0 and 7. The byte value should be a number between 0 and 255
CHRS tile_index, row_0_byte, row_1_byte, row_2_byte, row_3_byte, row_4_byte, row_5_byte, row_6_byte, row_7_byte Define pixel pattern in the tile at the specified index in the tileset. The byte values should be a number between 0 and 255
CHR.LEN x Store in x the length of the tileset (i.e. the total number of tiles)
CHR.GETBS x, tile_index Store in x the binary string representing the pixel pattern of the tile in the specified tileset index. In the resulting string, 1 means pixel with foreground color and 0 means pixel with background color
CHR.SETBS Define the pixel pattern of the tile in the specified tileset index using a binary string. In this binary string, 1 means pixel with foreground color and 0 means pixel with background color
CHR.NEWPG Add a new blank page of tiles to the tileset. Each page contains 256 tiles. The maximum number of pages supported is 256, resulting in a total maximum of 65536 tiles
PAL color_index, rgb Set RGB value of the color at the specified index in the color palette
PAL.GET x, color_index Store in x the RGB value of the color at the specified index in the color palette
PAL.LEN x Store in x the length of the color palette (i.e. the total number of colors)
PAL.CLR Clear the entire color palette
PAL.GETR x, color_index Store in x the value of the red component of the color at the specified index in the color palette
PAL.GETG x, color_index Store in x the value of the green component of the color at the specified index in the color palette
PAL.GETB x, color_index Store in x the value of the blue component of the color at the specified index in the color palette
PAL.SETR color_index, red_value Set the value of the red component of the color at the specified index in the color palette
PAL.SETG color_index, red_value Set the value of the green component of the color at the specified index in the color palette
PAL.SETB color_index, red_value Set the value of the blue component of the color at the specified index in the color palette
INPUT x, max_length Read text input from user. This will show a blinking cursor on the screen at the current tilebuffer cursor position and wait for keyboard input from the user, with the specified max_length (maximum number of characters). Once the ENTER key is pressed, the string that was read is stored in x. If the ESCAPE key is pressed, an empty string is stored in x.
INKEY x Store in x the name of the keyboard key currently being pressed
KCODE x Store in x the code of the keyboard key currently being pressed
PLAY mml_string Play music using a simplified version of MML (Music Macro Language)
LPLAY mml_string Same as the PLAY command, but repeat indefinitely in a loop
SOUND frequency, length Play a "beep" sound in the specified frequency for the specified length of time
VOL volume Set the volume for playing music and sound
QUIET Stop all currently playing music and sound
CLOAD file_path, x Open the file at file_path, read the entire contents as text and store it as a string in x
BLOAD file_path, array_name Open the file at file_path, read the entire contents as binary data and store it in the specified array
CSAVE file_path, x Write string in x to the file at file_path
BSAVE file_path, array_name Write the array as binary data to the file at file_path
FILE.CHK file_path, x Store in x whether the specified file exists. 1 means file exists, 0 means file not found.
STR.FMT x, format, number Convert the number to a string using the specified format
STR.SUB x, y, begin, end Store in x the substring in y that begins and ends at the specified character indices
STR.LEN x, y Store in x the length of the string y
STR.REPT x, times, y Repeat the string y by the specified number of times and store it in x
STR.CAT x, y, z Concatenate the strings y and z, and store the result in x
STR.SPLIT array_name, string, delimiter Split the string into an array of strings using the specified delimiter
STR.TRIM x, y Store in x the string y with leading and trailing spaces removed
STR.UCASE x, y Store in x the uppercase version of the string y
STR.LCASE Store in x the lowercase version of the string y
STR.REPL x, y, str_1, str_2 Store in x the string y with all occurrences of str_1 replaced by str_2
STR.AT x, y, index Store in x the character at the specified index of the string y
STR.IX x, y, z Search for the first occurrence of character z in the string y and stores the index in x
STR.START x, y, z Store in x whether the string y starts with prefix z. 1 means yes, 0 means no
STR.END x, y, z Store in x whether the string y ends with suffix z. 1 means yes, 0 means no
STR.HAS x, y, z Store in x whether the string y contains the substring z. 1 means yes, 0 means no
DATA item_1, item_2, item_3, ... Store the specified values in the static data block
READ x Read into x the value of the item at the current pointer position in the static data block, then advances the pointer to the next item
RESTORE Reset the pointer position in the static data block to item 0 (i.e. return to the start of the block)
DBG.BRK Reserved for internal use only. Used to trigger a breakpoint during development
DBG.DUMP Save debugging info to the file "PTM.dbg"
DBG.PERF Enable the performance monitor
DBG.MSG text Show a modal informational message box containing the specified text, for debugging purposes. This interrupts program execution until the OK button in the message box is pressed