Ali Aghdaei and Zhuo Feng
inGRASS is a novel algorithm designed for incremental spectral sparsification of large undirected graphs.
The proposed inGRASS algorithm is highly scalable and parallel-friendly, having a nearly-linear time complexity for the setup phase and the ability to update the spectral sparsifier
You need the following Julia packages to run the code:
Arpack v0.4.0
RandomV06 v0.0.2
Laplacians v1.2.0
You can use the following commands to add a package in Julia: using Pkg Pkg.add("Package_Name")
Run the file "Run_inGRASS.jl" under the src directory for computing the incremental spectral sparsification of the given graph
The Laplacian matrix of the original graph and the initial graph sparsifier are utilized.
The extra edges (weighted) are provided.
The Laplacian matrix of the updated graph sparsifier is generated and saved in a file named "Output.mtx".