Core engine controlling animations via physical simulation.
- bodies/Body.js: A unit controlled by the physics engine which serves to provide position and orientation.
- bodies/Circle.js: An elemental circle-shaped Body in the physics engine.
- bodies/Particle.js: A unit controlled by the physics engine which serves to provide position.
- bodies/Rectangle.js: An elemental rectangle-shaped Body in the physics engine.
- constraints/Collision.js: Allows for two circular bodies to collide and bounce off each other.
- constraints/Constraint.js: Allows for two circular bodies to collide and bounce off each other.
- constraints/Curve.js: A constraint that keeps a physics body on a given implicit curve regardless of other physical forces are applied to it.
- constraints/Distance.js: A constraint that keeps a physics body a given distance away from a given anchor, or another attached body.
- constraints/Snap.js: A spring constraint is like a spring force, except that it is always numerically stable (even for low periods).
- constraints/Surface.js: A constraint that keeps a physics body on a given implicit surface regardless of other physical forces are applied to it.
- constraints/Wall.js: A wall describes an infinite two-dimensional plane that physics bodies can collide with.
- constraints/Walls.js: Walls combines one or more Wall primitives and exposes a simple API to interact with several walls at once
- forces/Drag.js: Drag is a force that opposes velocity. Attach it to the physics engine to slow down a physics body in motion.
- forces/Force.js: Force base class.
- forces/Repulsion.js: Repulsion is a force that repels (attracts) bodies away (towards) each other.
- forces/RotationalDrag.js: Rotational drag is a force that opposes angular velocity. Attach it to a physics body to slow down its rotation.
- forces/RotationalSpring.js: A force that rotates a physics body back to target Euler angles.
- forces/Spring.js: A force that moves a physics body to a location with a spring motion.
- forces/VectorField.js: A force that moves a physics body to a location with a spring motion.
- integrators/SymplecticEuler.js: Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Integrator. Manages updating a physics body's state over time.
- integrators/verlet.js: Manages updating a physics body's state over time. (deprecated)
- PhysicsEngine.js: The Physics Engine is responsible for mediating Bodies and their interaction with forces and constraints.
- David Valdman
The framework has three main parts that application developers should expect to use:
Bodies represent physical objects. For example, the Circle class represents a solid ball, the Rectangle class represents a solid rectangular prism.
Constraints represent ways that objects can be connected. For example, you might want two objects to behave as is there were a Rope or a StiffSpring connecting them.
Forces can be thought of as soft constraints. So while StiffSpring is a constraint, Spring is a force. TODO: @dmvaldman, can you explain forces better?
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