This project is an OAuth 1.0a-compatible authentication method for WordPress. This is a separate-but-related project to [WP API][], designed to provide authentication suitable for the API.
The WP_Query to get_consumer was failing (returning more than one) if there were more than one consumer registered. -- Edited the query array to just get the consumer by meta_key = key.
Fixed PHP test.
Read the plugin's documentation.
Want to test out the OAuth API and work on it? Here's how you can set up your own testing environment in a few easy steps:
Install Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Clone Chassis:
git clone --recursive api-tester vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
Grab a copy of WP API and OAuth API:
cd api-tester mkdir -p content/plugins content/themes cp -r wp/wp-content/themes/* content/themes git clone content/plugins/json-rest-api git clone content/plugins/oauth-server
Start the virtual machine:
vagrant up
Browse to http://vagrant.local/wp/wp-admin/ and activate the WP API and OAuth API plugins
Username: admin Password: password
Refer to the documentation on how to connect an OAuth client.