Special thanks to Zayd al-Muqaddim al-Qamar al-‘Aarabi for all his contributions.
NOTE: All the cheat sheets on this app is AI generated, obviously me alone writing all this stuff is not quite possible. But contributors are highly appreciated.
Dashboard design is from this codepen -> https://codepen.io/jaca90/pen/vZJZMx
- This app is a single UI for cheat sheets of most used frameworks and most used tools for Open Source Softwares
- You can find boilerplate codes and most used commands for the tools you use often like git, Markdown Sytax, Docker and so on
- And best thing is, you can create your own cheat sheets from directly on frontend!
Git, Docker, Markdown Syntax, Lisances
NGINX, Apache, Ngrok, Certbot, SSH
Prettier, Eslint, Webpack
Postgres, MongoDB, MySQL Redis, Caassandra, Neo4j
React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, Ember, Jquery, Backbone, Preact, React Native, Flutter, Ionic
NextJS, Svelte Kit, Remix, Nuxt, Analog JS
Swift UI, UI Kit
Android SDK
Laravel, Django, .Net, Ruby on Rails, Spring, Flask, Express JS, Phoneix
- clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/EmreKanbay/Open-Source-Starter-Kit.git
- Change directroy into the folder
cd Open-Source-Starter-Kit
- Initialize the code
npm i
- Start the app
node ./src
Warning: do not use nodemon, it will throw network error.
- You can find app in
- Enter your connection string, video above shows hot to get that string. You can get it here
- Set your username and password
[X] CRUD must be included, so user can modify content only on frontend without hassle. (DONE)
[] Vulnerable to SQL injection, request must be sanitized, parameterized.
Frontend: Vanilla JS
Backend: Node JS - Express JS
Database: Postgres