This is an app that lets you save advices and quotes that you have learned, and by that you can remember and do not forget them in future.
I needed it, so someone else will need as me, thats why i open sourced it, thats the beauty of open source.
Real deal will be docker support, so everybody can host it pretty cheap on big cloud providers.
I am not going to create categories, instead i will make content in markdown syntax, so it can be visually better. That way without categories and better visualiasation, you can remember stuff irrelevant the one before and still it will be self explanatory due to clear explanation with markdown.
for example do not say just:
Out of sight, out of mind.
# Out of sight, out of mind
- If you keep things away from your visual area, you will forget them
- Distraction will be far less becouse dopamine did not started to relase due to distraction
- Keeping stuff that distracs you away will keep distractions away
- Every advice will have an id, content, creation date and source of learning(eg. a book or somebody)