This is Zeppelin's frontend project.
It is recommended to install node 6.0.0+ since Zeppelin uses 6.9.1+ (see creationix/nvm)
All build commands are described in package.json
# install required depepdencies and bower packages (only once)
$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn install
# build zeppelin-web for production
$ yarn run build
# run frontend application only in dev mode (localhost:9000)
# you need to run zeppelin backend instance also
$ yarn run dev
Supports the following options with using npm environment variable when running the web development mode.
# if you are using a custom port instead of default(8080),
# you must use the 'SERVER_PORT' variable to run the web application development mode
# if you want to use a web dev port instead of default(9000),
# you can use the 'WEB_PORT' variable
# running unit tests
$ yarn run test
# running e2e tests: make sure that zeppelin instance started (localhost:8080)
$ yarn run e2e
- to write unit tests, please refer Angular Test Patterns
- to write e2e tests, please refer Protractor Tutorial
If you want to package the zeppelin-web only, simply run this command in this folder.
This will download all the dependencies including node (the binaries in the folder zeppelin-web/node
$ mvn package
In case of the error ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://xxxxx", exit code of #128
change your git config with git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Try to add to the .bowerrc
file the following content:
"proxy" : "http://<host>:<port>",
"https-proxy" : "http://<host>:<port>"
also try to add proxy info to yarn install command:
<id>yarn install</id>
<arguments>--proxy=http://<host>:<port> --https-proxy=http://<host>:<port></arguments>
and retry to build again.
If you wish to help us and contribute to Zeppelin WebApplication, please look at the overall project contribution guidelines and the more focused Zeppelin WebApplication's documentation.