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This file is part of eRCaGuy_dotfiles:

This is for the Microsoft Visual Studio Code (MS VSCode) text editor/IDE.

The .vscode dir should be placed at the root of your workspace (ie: the folder you intend to open up via File --> Open Folder). You also have a user-level ~/.vscode dir.

The settings.json and keybindings.json files should be copy-pasted into this dir: ~/.config/Code/User/.

See especially

  1. Installation instructions of my VSCode settings files and extensions: ../home/.config/Code/User/

See also

  1. (private for now) Microsoft Visual Studio Code (MS VSCode) IDE and Editor Setup & Info

Common VSCode Extensions/Plugins I like to install

[Update Sept. 2023: see my "see especially" file just above instead.]

See .vscode/extensions/extensions.json for a list of recommendations. Place the .vscode folder into the root of your VSCode workspace. Then, in VSCode, go to the Extensions tab and search for "@recommended". This will search this file for the recommendations therein and bring them all up under the "WORKSPACE RECOMMENDATIONS" search results section. Click the little tiny cloud-looking icon to the right of that heading to "Install Workspace Recommended Extensions" automatically for you!



Common VSCode shortcuts I like

Many of these are very similar to Sublime Text.

  1. Ctrl + K, O
    1. Open up the current file into a new window (ex: so you can drag it into a new monitor).
  2. Alt + Q
    1. Automatically hard-wrap the current line. Keep pressing it to toggle wrapping at the various rulers you may have set.
    2. Requires the Rewrap extension.
  3. Alt + O
    1. Toggle jumping back and forth between the C or C++ header .h file and the .c or .cpp source file.
  4. Ctrl + P
    1. Search for files and things
  5. Ctrl + Shift + P
    1. Command Palette - type commands here
  6. Ctrl + F
    1. Search within a file
  7. Ctrl + Shift + F
    1. File search: ie: search within files.
  8. Ctrl + G
    1. Go to line


  1. [Still investigating] If cpptools sucks up all of your RAM (ex: 32 GB+ of your 64 GB), consider uninstalling the c/c++ cpptools or whatever, and installing clangd instead, whatever that is. Someone recommended this to me.