Welcome to our github page! Here you can find some examples on how to use the api! Feel free to copy and paste it into your project! Happy coding 😉
Example response that the api will return 😎
success: true,
website: 'linkvertise',
query: 'https://...', --> Link to bypass
destination: 'https://...', --> bypassed link
cache: true,
time_ms: 0
success: false,
website: 'linkvertise',
query: 'https://...', --> Link to bypass
response: 'Invalid link', --> Invalid :'(
time_ms: 1685
Website | working? |
linkvertise.com | ✔ |
adf.ly | ✔ |
exe.io/exey.io | ✔ |
sub2unlock.net/sub2unlock.com | ✔ |
rekonise.com | ✔ |
letsboost.net | ✔ |
ph.apps2app.com | ✔ |
mboost.me | ✔ |
shortconnect.com | ✔ |
sub4unlock.com | ✔ |
ytsubme.com | ✔ |
bit.ly | ✔ |
social-unlock.com | ✔ |
boost.ink | ✔ |
goo.gl | ✔ |
shrto.ml | ✔ |
t.co | ✔ |
tinyurl.com | ✔ |