Migration from Telegraf to grammY
This version switches from Telegraf to grammY as a Telegram Bot framework. grammY has various benefits over Telegraf as Telegraf is quite old and grammY learned a lot from its mistakes and shortcomings.
Supporting both Telegraf and grammY would have increased the complexity a lot. Seeing grammY as the way to go and the library of choice for my bots it was the best way to move forward in my opinion.
If you are still using Telegraf you can continue to use v6 but you should consider migrating to grammY.
-import {Telegraf} from 'telegraf'
-import {MenuTemplate, MenuMiddleware} from 'telegraf-inline-menu'
+import {Bot} from 'grammy'
+import {MenuTemplate, MenuMiddleware} from 'grammy-inline-menu'