The following repository contains content of the website, especially documentation.
Within the root folder you can find two main languages - English and Chineese (simplified) (to be translated).
Next level defines technology (jQuery, Angular, React and Vue). 3rd level defines platform - web or mobile (note: currently MDB is available as a web development framework, we are builing a Native version of MDB dedicated to mobile apps).
4th defines documenation type (documentation/tutorial etc.), currently only docs are available at GitHub. In a future we will move also other content.
Finally 5th and 6th level defines categories and specific components. Please note that the folder strcuture corresponds with URL i.e.:
Can be found under /en/jquery/web/docs/css/text-color/ ( )
Each folder contains multiple files:
- o.html (Content of the overview TAB)
- o-ss.html (Content of the scrollspy for Overview TAB)
- gs.html (Content of the Getting started TAB)
- gs-ss.html (Content of the scrollspy for Getting started TAB)
- a.html (Content of the API TAB)
- a-ss.html ((Content of the scrollspy for API TAB)
- js.html (Specific JavaScript code imported at the bottom if needed for demo)