The goal of this work is to develop a UTM focused working group within Dronecode membership and build an open / configurable adapter for QGCS to enable it to exchange relevant data with a UTM system. The adapter would be configurable so that drone operators can specify what UTM system/service provider they want to use. The UTM system in turn must implement those APIs to exchange data with QGCS.
Figure: Image depicting the scope of ASTM Network RID standard, the part in Red: the way operators submit data to the UTM system is not standardized and we hope to build an API specification and a configurable implementation for network identification as well as other relevant data (flight authorizations, traffic information, geozones, conformance alerts etc.).
- OpenAPI document specifying the adapter + relevant documentation of configuring adapter
- API to be implemented at the UTM Service Provider side
- Implement Adapter + configuration file in QGCS that enables exchange of data with different UTM services
- Integration of this adapter in QGCS builds + test infrastructure
- Start date: 31 May 2023 - 30 November 2023 (6 months)
- Evaluation phase: December + January 2023 / re-work
- π Bi-Weekly Meeting Thursdays 4:30 PM CET | 7:30 AM PT Meeting Minutes
- π Meeting Link: