Welcome to the Project Spectra Private Preview. This is a confidential pre-release project; your use is subject to the nondisclosure agreement between you (or your organization) and Amazon. Do not disclose the existence of this project, your participation in it, or any of the materials provided, to any unauthorized third party. To request access for a third party, please contact Royal O'Brien, obriroya@amazon.com.
This repository uses Git LFS for storing large binary files. You will need to create a Github personal access token to authenticate with the LFS service.
You will need your personal access token credentials to authenticate when you clone the repository.
Create a personal access token with the 'repo' scope.
Recent versions of Git install a credential manager to store your credentials so you don't have to put in the credentials for every request.
It is highly recommended you check that you have a credential manager installed and configured
> git clone https://github.com/aws/o3de.git
Cloning into 'o3de'...
# initial prompt for credentials to download the repository code
# enter your Github username and personal access token
remote: Counting objects: 29619, done.
Receiving objects: 100% (29619/29619), 40.50 MiB | 881.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (8829/8829), done.
Updating files: 100% (27037/27037), done.
# second prompt for credentials when downloading LFS files
# enter your Github username and personal access token
Filtering content: 100% (3853/3853), 621.43 MiB | 881.00 KiB/s, done.
If you have the Git credential manager core installed, you should not be prompted for your credentials anymore.
- Visual Studio 2019 16.9.2 (All versions supported, including Community): https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
- Install the following workloads:
- Game Development with C++
- MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86
- Install the following workloads:
- Visual C++ redistributable: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/#other-family
- FBXSDK for VS2015: https://www.autodesk.com/developer-network/platform-technologies/fbx-sdk-2016-1-2
- WWise - 2019.2.8.7432: https://www.audiokinetic.com/download/
- CMake 3.19.1: https://cmake.org/files/LatestRelease/cmake-3.19.1-win64-x64.msi
Download the 3rdParty zip file from here: https://d2c171ws20a1rv.cloudfront.net/3rdParty-windows-no-symbols-rev7.zip
Unzip this file into a writable folder. This will also act as a cache location for the 3rdParty downloader by default (configurable with the
environment variable) -
Install the following redistributables to the following:
- Visual Studio and VC++ redistributable can be installed to any location
- FBXSDK should be installed to
<3rdParty path>\FbxSdk\2016.1.2-az.1
. See the README in this folder for details - WWise should be installed to:
<3rdParty Path>\Wwise\2019.2.8.7432
- CMake should be installed to:
<3rdParty Path>\CMake\3.19.1
Add the following environment variables through the command line
set LY_3RDPARTY_PATH=<Location of the unzipped 3rdParty zip> set LY_PACKAGE_SERVER_URLS="https://d2c171ws20a1rv.cloudfront.net"
Configure the source into a solution using this command line, replacing to a path you've created
cmake -B <your build location> -S <source-dir> -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH=%LY_3RDPARTY_PATH% -DLY_UNITY_BUILD=ON -DLY_PROJECTS=AutomatedTesting -DLY_MONOLITHIC_GAME=1
Alternatively, you can do this through the CMake GUI:
- Start
- Select the local path of the repo under "Where is the source code"
- Select a path where to build binaries under "Where to build the binaries"
- Click "Configure"
- Wait for the key values to populate. Fill in the fields that are relevant, including
- Click "Generate"
- Start
The configuration of the solution is complete. To build the Editor and AssetProcessor to binaries, run this command inside your repo:
cmake --build <your build location> --target AutomatedTesting.GameLauncher AssetProcessor Editor --config profile -- /m
This will compile after some time and binaries will be available in the build path you've specified
- Setup new projects using this command
<Repo path>\scripts\o3de.bat create-project --project-path <New project path>
- Once you're ready to build the project, run the same set of commands to configure and build:
cmake -B <your build location> -S <source-dir> -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH=%LY_3RDPARTY_PATH% -DLY_PROJECTS=<New project name> -DLY_MONOLITHIC_GAME=1 cmake --build <your build location> --target <New Project Name> --config profile -- /m
For terms please see the LICENSE*.TXT file at the root of this distribution.