From 4d1398de6364607f31795e2889418590c9aa9075 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tomas E
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2018 10:49:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Typos and cleanup (#62)
* Fix some typos in comments and variable names
* Clean up some blank lines and unnecessary comment
Also increase consistency in this regard for AboutBitwiseAndShiftOperator.cs
* Correct step number for final step
* Fix a typo that was missed
* Fix typo in a method that was missed
Koans/AboutBitwiseAndShiftOperator.cs | 18 +++++++-----------
Koans/AboutGenericContainers.cs | 12 ++++++------
Koans/AboutLinq.cs | 4 +---
Koans/AboutMethods.cs | 2 +-
Koans/AboutStrings.cs | 8 ++++----
Koans/PathToEnlightenment.cs | 3 +--
6 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Koans/AboutBitwiseAndShiftOperator.cs b/Koans/AboutBitwiseAndShiftOperator.cs
index 7aa4174..df68b75 100644
--- a/Koans/AboutBitwiseAndShiftOperator.cs
+++ b/Koans/AboutBitwiseAndShiftOperator.cs
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ public void BinaryAndOperator()
//3 in binary is 0011
//With & only taking the same one else take 0,so 1 & 3 it becomes 0001.
//When 0001 convert to int it becomes 1
int x = 4 & 4;
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, x);
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ public void BinaryOrOperator()
//1 in binary is 0001
//3 in binary is 0011
- //With | it will take any 1 if either one coantins 1,so 1 & 3 it becomes 0011.
+ //With | it will take any 1 if either one contains 1,so 1 & 3 it becomes 0011.
//When 0011 convert to int it becomes 3
int x = 4 | 4;
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, x);
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ public void Combination1()
public void Combination2()
int x = 4 | 4 & 8;
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, x);
@@ -79,7 +81,6 @@ public void Combination3()
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, x);
public void BitwiseLeftShift()
@@ -108,17 +109,14 @@ public void BitwiseRightShift()
public void Combination4()
int x = (5 << 2) & 8 ^ 3;
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, x);
public void Combination5()
int x = (5 >> 2) & (~8) ^ 8;
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, x);
@@ -127,19 +125,17 @@ public void Combination5()
public void Combination6()
int x = (8 << 2) & (~5) & 8 | 10 | (5 >> 1);
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, x);
- [Step(10)]
+ [Step(13)]
public void AdditionWithoutPlusOrMinusOperator()
//Solve this problem without using + or -
- //This is complicated problem, if you don't
- //know how to solve it try to Google it.
+ //This is a complicated problem. If you don't
+ //know how to solve it, try to Google it.
int a = 15;
int b = 4;
diff --git a/Koans/AboutGenericContainers.cs b/Koans/AboutGenericContainers.cs
index e25cd89..97d430f 100644
--- a/Koans/AboutGenericContainers.cs
+++ b/Koans/AboutGenericContainers.cs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public void ArrayListIsNotStronglyTyped()
//ArrayList can hold more than one type.
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- list.Add("fourty two");
+ list.Add("forty two");
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, list[0]);
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, list[1]);
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ public void Boxing()
Assert.Equal(s.GetType(), os.GetType());
Assert.Equal(s, os);
- //While this it is true that everything is an object and all the above passes. Not everything is quite as it seems.
+ //While it is true that everything is an object and all the above passes, not everything is quite as it seems.
//Under the covers .Net allocates memory for all value type objects (int, double, bool,...) on the stack. This is
//considerably more efficient than a heap allocation. .Net also has the ability to put a value type onto the heap.
- //(for calling methods and other reasons). The process of putting stack data into the heap is called "boxing" the
+ //(for calling methods and other reasons). The process of putting stack data into the heap is called "boxing". The
//process of taking the value type off the heap is called "unboxing". We won't go into the details (see Jeffrey
//Richter's book if you want details). This subject comes up because every time you put a value type into an
- //ArrayList it must be boxed. Every time you read it from the ArrayList it must be unboxed. This can be a significat
+ //ArrayList it must be boxed. Every time you read it from the ArrayList it must be unboxed. This can be a significant
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public void ABetterDynamicSizeContainer()
//ArrayList is a .Net 1.0 container. With .Net 2.0 generics were introduced and with it a new set of collections in
//System.Collections.Generic The array like container is List. List (read "list of T") is a generic class.
- //The "T" in the definition of List is the type argument. You cannot declare an instace of List without also
+ //The "T" in the definition of List is the type argument. You cannot declare an instance of List without also
//supplying a type in place of T.
var list = new List();
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, list.Count);
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public void ABetterDynamicSizeContainer()
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, list.Count);
//Now just like int[], you can have a type safe dynamic sized container
- //list.Add("fourty two"); //<--Unlike ArrayList this is illegal.
+ //list.Add("forty two"); //<--Unlike ArrayList this is illegal.
//List also solves the boxing/unboxing issues of ArrayList. Unfortunately, you'll have to take Microsoft's word for it
//as I can't find a way to prove it without some ugly MSIL beyond the scope of these Koans.
diff --git a/Koans/AboutLinq.cs b/Koans/AboutLinq.cs
index 9c715e5..a75e87e 100644
--- a/Koans/AboutLinq.cs
+++ b/Koans/AboutLinq.cs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ 3. Execute the query.
public void FilterArrayData()
- //This sample uses where to find all elements of an array less than 5.
+ //This sample uses "where" to find all elements of an array less than 5.
// The Three Parts of a LINQ Query:
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ where n < 5
public void PutYourDataInOrderUsingOrderBy()
string[] customers = { "John", "Bill", "Maria", "George", "Anna" };
var orderedCustomers =
@@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ from cust in customers
public void GetJustTheDataYouWantUsingTake()
int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
//Get just the 3 first numbers.
diff --git a/Koans/AboutMethods.cs b/Koans/AboutMethods.cs
index cf89164..783ec9e 100644
--- a/Koans/AboutMethods.cs
+++ b/Koans/AboutMethods.cs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public void ExtensionMethodsWithVariableParameters()
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, this.MethodWithVariableArguments("Cory", "Will", "Corey"));
- //Extension methods can extend any class my referencing
+ //Extension methods can extend any class by referencing
//the name of the class they are extending. For example,
//we can "extend" the string class like so:
diff --git a/Koans/AboutStrings.cs b/Koans/AboutStrings.cs
index f745f7f..b09f1b7 100644
--- a/Koans/AboutStrings.cs
+++ b/Koans/AboutStrings.cs
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ public void ACrossPlatformWayToHandleLineEndings()
//the hardcoded escape sequence. A much better way
//(We'll handle concatenation and better ways of that in a bit)
var literalString = "I" + System.Environment.NewLine + "am a" + System.Environment.NewLine + "broken line";
- var vebatimString = FILL_ME_IN;
- Assert.Equal(literalString, vebatimString);
+ var verbatimString = FILL_ME_IN;
+ Assert.Equal(literalString, verbatimString);
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public void NumberOfDisplayedDecimalsCanBeControlled()
- public void MinimumNumberOfDisplayedDecimalsCanBeControled()
+ public void MinimumNumberOfDisplayedDecimalsCanBeControlled()
var str = string.Format("{0:.00}", 12.3);
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, str);
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public void ABetterWayToConcatenateLotsOfStrings()
var str = strBuilder.ToString();
Assert.Equal(FILL_ME_IN, str);
- //String.Format and StringBuilder will be more efficent that concatenation. Prefer them.
+ //String.Format and StringBuilder will be more efficient that concatenation. Prefer them.
diff --git a/Koans/PathToEnlightenment.cs b/Koans/PathToEnlightenment.cs
index 2bfcd9c..4de76af 100644
--- a/Koans/PathToEnlightenment.cs
+++ b/Koans/PathToEnlightenment.cs
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ public PathToEnlightenment()
//TODO: disabled due to missing functionality in netcoreapp1.0
// it will be available in 1.1 see:
- //typeof(AboutDelegates),
- //typeof(AboutLambdas)
+ //typeof(AboutDelegates)