yeoman generator to set up a flux MVVM(without databinding lib by default) type project for android with DI set up and debug draw
cd to generator-ssb
run: npm link
cd to folder you want to create app in
run: yo ssb
- Support libraries
- RxJava2
- RxAndroid
- RxBinding
- RxRelay
- Retrofit / OkHttp
- Gson
- Dagger 2
- Timber
- DebugDrawer
MVVM + Redux is a user interface architectural pattern engineered to facilitate Unidirectional data flow:
- The ViewModel gets an Event via add event then mutates the State and/or triggers asynchronous action that will comeback with a new Event after state is mutated its published to the State relay for observes to react to.
- The State is the model that represents the current state of the app or feature.
- The View (BaseActivity/BaseFragment) Any componite that is responsable for updateing the view based on State. Can optionally talk to the ViewModel via Events that happen to ui componite.
- The Event is a type that can be accepted by a event relay inorder to communicate to the ViewModel