This is a hobby website for out billiard (pool) league in Puerto Galera, Philippines. You may use this software yourself, under the conditions that you mention the source on the bottom, as it is now.
It is designed for a League with teams of at least 4 players and 2 teams. Each playing day has 15 games. Three rounds of singles and 3 doubles. The rules of billiard itself are not reflected into the code.
The code is not versioned. There is only the main repository. Improvements will happen, the source code will have changes.
The website is build on top of Laravel. The CSS styles are based on Tailwind).
If you find coding errors or suggest improvements, you can drop a message at the administrator
The Puerto Galera Billiard League repository is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
The code is written and maintained by Dimitri Mostrey. You may contact me for inquiries.