Radius can be used to deploy and run the TraderX application.
- Install and set up Radius and local Kubernetes cluster
- Optionally set up an Azure or AWS provider and environment in Radius
To deploy the TraderX app using Radius, you can run the commands directly in this directory.
First, initialize Radius:
rad init
when prompted to setup an application in the current directory
To deploy and run the app in your local environment:
rad run traderx.bicep
If you have an Azure environment set up, you can deploy the app there as well (in this example the Azure environment is associated with the prod-azure
rad deploy traderx.bicep -w prod-azure
If you have an AWS environment set up, you can deploy the app there as well (in this example the AWS environment is associated with the prod-aws
rad deploy traderx.bicep -w prod-aws