This repo is Baxter learnig pick project, which uses ROS DMP package and RL off-policy Q-learning.
You can follow this README to know how it works.
Before running this project, you need install this dependencies:
Install ROS full-desk-version : ROS indigo wiki.
Install Baxter simulator workspace : Install Baxter simulator workspace.
- If you don't have a real Baxter robot, pls run this project in the Baxter gazebo simulator.
- If you have a real Baxter robot, follow this website and make sure that you can control you robot : Baxter getting start.
Install Robotiq force torque driver : force torque sensor driver , force torque sensor sensing the envrionemnt and give a reward to the RL agent. Don't worry, if you don't have this sensor, I will add this force torque sensor model to gazebo simulator, and update.
- If you have a real Baxter robot, and follow this tutorial and generating a joint trajectory : Baxter Joint Trajectory Playback Example.
- Or you can navigate to this repo datasets file, the baxter_joint_input_data.csv is the joint trajectory csv file.
- This repo are using ROS DMP package to generate DMP trajectorys, move to this website to learn more: ROS DMP wiki.
How to do:
rosrun dmp dmp_server
rosrun dmp
[TIPS] : You need rewrite the code.
- This repo are generated the DMP trajectorys already, in the datasets data0 - data4 csv file are the DMP trajectorys.
This part are using the Reinforcement leaning off-polociy agent.
- After genarating the DMP trajectroys then running :
rosrun dmp
rosrun dmp
[TIPS] : You need rewrite the code.