uWSGI can easily monitor external processes, allowing you to increase reliability and usability of your multi-tier apps.
For example you can manage services like memcached, redis, celery, delayed_job or even a dedicate postgresql instance.
Currently uWSGI supports 3 kinds of processes:
- directly attached (non daemonized)
- pidfile governed (both foreground and daemonized)
- pidfile governed with daemonization management
The first category allows you to directly attach processes to the uWSGI master. When the master dies or it is reloaded this processes are destroyed. This is the best choice for services that must be flushed whenever the app is restarted.
Pidfile governed processes can survive master death/reload as long as pidfile of those processes is available (and matches a valid pid). This is the best choice for processes requiring longer persistence and for which a brutal kill could mean loss of datas (like databases).
The last kind of processes is an 'expansion' of the second one. If your process does not support daemonization or writing to pidfile you can let the master do the hard work. Very few daemons/applications requires that feature, but it could be useful for tiny prototype applications or simply bad-designed ones.
Managing a memcached instance in 'dumb' mode (whenever uWSGI is stopped/reloaded memcached is destroyed)
master = true
socket = :3031
attach-daemon = memcached -p 11311 -u roberto
Managing a memcached instance in 'smart' mode (memcached survives uWSGI stop/realod)
master = true
socket = :3031
smart-attach-daemon = /tmp/memcached.pid memcached -p 11311 -d -P /tmp/memcached.pid -u roberto
Managing 2 mongodb instances (smart mode)
master = true
socket = :3031
smart-attach-daemon = /tmp/mongo1.pid mongod --pidfilepath /tmp/mongo1.pid --dbpath foo1 --port 50001
smart-attach-daemon = /tmp/mongo2.pid mongod --pidfilepath /tmp/mongo2.pid --dbpath foo2 --port 50002
Managing PostgreSQL dedicated-instance (cluster in /db/foobar1)
master = true
socket = :3031
smart-attach-daemon = /db/foobar1/postmaster.pid /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/postgres -D /db/foobar1
Managing celery
master = true
socket = :3031
smart-attach-daemon = /tmp/celery.pid celery -A tasks worker --pidfile=/tmp/celery.pid
Managing delayed_job
master = true
socket = :3031
env = RAILS_ENV=production
rbrequire = bundler/setup
rack = config.ru
chdir = /var/apps/foobar
smart-attach-daemon = %(chdir)/tmp/pids/delayed_job.pid %(chdir)/script/delayed_job start
Managing dropbear
When using namespace option you can attach dropbear daemon (lightweight ssh server) to allow you direct access to system inside namespace. This requires that /dev/pts filesystem is mounted inside namespace and that the user your workers will be running as will have access to /etc/dropbear directory inside namespace.
namespace = /ns/001/:testns
namespace-keep-mount = /dev/pts
socket = :3031
exec-as-root = chown -R www-data /etc/dropbear
attach-daemon = /usr/sbin/dropbear -j -k -p 1022 -E -F -I 300