My attempt at making a command line window that could run commands on a project it was implimented in.
Features I would like to all eventually work.
- Be able to set/get global variables of a class
- numIterations =
; ->var -v numIterations -s 5
- defaultFontName =
"Times New Roman"
; ->var -v defaultFontName -s Times New Roman
- int x =
; ->var -v numIterations -g
- numIterations =
- Be able to run methods of a class
- System.out.println(
); ->var -v stringToPrint -p
- printToConsole(
); ->var -v stringToPrint -c
- graphics.fillRect(
); ->fillRect -x 50 -y 50 -w 15 -h 25
- System.out.println(
- Be able to interact with the 3
s, and "send information" from one to the other- Ex: Run some data and get the list of summaries in the top left, and then run a command to print the full data to the big window
- Have a system with predefined "commands", but also be able to easily design custom commands specific to the project at hand, therefore making it useful for simply importing it, adding a few commands, and being able to more easily debug your program than running it over and over again and keep changing things