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A package for managing polls in Laravel.


Open your composer.json file and add the following to the require key:

"data33/laravel-poll": "^1.0.1"

After adding the key, run composer update from the command line to install the package

composer update data33/laravel-poll


Before you can start using the package we need to set some configurations. To do so you must first publish the config file, you can do this with the following artisan command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Data33\LaravelPoll\PollServiceProvider"

After running the above command, you should see the following changes:

  • A config file should be available at config/polls.php
  • A few new migrations should be placed in your database/migrations folder
  • A few new views should be placed in the folder resources/views/vendor/data33/laravel-poll

If you wish to extend this package, you can specify your own classes to be used as models in the config/polls.php file. Make sure your models extend the existing ones.


Creating a new poll

You can either create polls manually by using the models directly, or you can use the createPoll helper method.

use Data33\LaravelPoll\Models\Poll;

$title = 'A new poll';
$text = 'A longer text describing the poll';
$type = Poll::TYPE_SINGLE;
// $type = Poll::TYPE_MULTIPLE;
$options = [
    'The first option',
    'The second option',
    'The third option',
$endDate = new Carbon\Carbon('2018-12-24 00:00:00');

$poll = Poll::createPoll($title, $text, $type, $options, $endDate);

Adding more options

If you need to add more options to a poll after it has already been created you may use the addOption method.

    $poll->addOption('A fourth option')
        ->addOption('A fifth option');

Voting for an option

Let's assume your App\User model uses the Voter trait.

        ->voteFor($poll, $pollOption);

Checking voting status for a voter

    if (auth()->user()->hasVotedInPoll($poll)) {
        echo 'User voted in poll';
    if (auth()->user()->hasVotedForOption($poll, $option)) {
        echo 'User voted for specific option';


Create and manage polls in Laravel






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