Module for debugging Magento 2 performance. It works without overwriting any core files and it can be installed with composer.
- Enable developer mode
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
- Install module via composer
composer require daseraf/magento2-debug
- Register module
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Enable profiler in configuration:
Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Debug
- Clear cache
php bin/magento c:c
Important! If you use the interceptor generator from Creatuity, you need to additionally install this package - daseraf/magento2-debug-creatuity.
For this functionality you will need to install the xhprof extension for your PHP interpreter. I recommend using PECL for these purposes.
pecl install xhprof
Just enable extension:
Xhprof flags are set from the Magento admin panel
Advanced -> Debug -> Data collectors -> Xhprof Flags
php bin/magento debug:db-profiler:enable
This will add a profiler flag to the database section of the env.php file
php bin/magento debug:db-profiler:disable
- Magento 2.2 - 2.4
- PHP 7.0 - 8.1
- Ajax - Please note that you can profile any requests coming into the platform, such as adding to cart
- Call map - Shows the time spent performing each function. XHprof extension required
- Database - Database queries and variable values
- Events - Displays all sent events as well as the observers tracking them
- Layout - Displays a list of blocks and the time spent on rendering them
- Layout Rendering analysis (Layout tab) - Detailed information on each block and caching status for them.
Attention - if you see that blocks are not cached, this is not a debugger error! Please make sure your block has cache_lifetime.
- Models - Displays loaded entity modules and the number of reloads without accessing the cache
- Plugins - Shows the plugins that were called during the process, as well as the time spent on their work. Attention - the execution time of around plugins includes the execution time of all functions that will be called in the body of the plugin. Is not an error
- Translations - here you can see all messages for which translation is missing
- Cache (Status and Calls) - This tab displays all successful cache calls (cacheKey is displayed in the table)
- Performance - here you can find a graph that is based on the output of the standard profiler from magento
- Request/Response
- Config
- Memory