Bubble Tea Project - February 9, 2018
Created by Dara Sy
This is an interactive bubble tea menu that uses p5.js a JavaScript library. Press any key on the keyboard to choose your favorite bubble tea flavor.
View Project Here: https://dara-sy.github.io/bubbletea/
Movements of the bubbles were inspired by:
https://p5js.org/examples/objects-array-of-objects.html (a P5 example)
The structure of the constructor function is followed by Dan Shiffman's teaching here:
I am inspired to create Bubble Tea, using a combination of objects, arrays, and constructor function.
My blog post explains how I built this project step-by-step: https://thejourneytocoding.wordpress.com/2018/02/08/final-project-taste-the-bubble-tea/