Scrolling 20x4 LCD Feed for Micropython and Rpi Pico
This is written for the Freenove I2C LCD 2004 & I2C LCD 1602 modules. It utilizes the code provided by Freenove, except condensed into a single file with the addition of my LCD Feed functions. However, I believe this code should work for most LCD displays from other vendors.
Copy into your Pico /lib directory.
Add the following lines to for a 20x4 display:
import time
from machine import I2C, Pin
from LCD_Display import LcdApi, I2CLcd
"""LCD Section"""
i2c = I2C(0, sda=Pin(20), scl=Pin(21), freq=400000) #GPIO 20 & 21 have no other function but I2C
devices = i2c.scan()
if devices != []:
lcd = I2CLcd(i2c, devices[0], 4, 20)
lcd.topdata("THIS REMAINS STATIC")
lcd.feed("^ These")
lcd.feed("^^ Lines")
lcd.feed("^^^ Feed")
lcd.feed("^^^^ Up")
lcd.feed("as you add new ones")
Alter the following lines in for use with a 16x2 LCD display:
if devices != []:
lcd = I2CLcd(i2c, devices[0], 2, 16)
For the Rpi Pico I have found that GPIO 20 & 21 are ideal for I2C devices because these pins are not otherwise used for functions such as UART, ADC or SPIO. Match the Pico & LCD SDA pins together. And match the SCL pins together.
To feed the full 4 lines of text simply disable the lcd.topdata function with:
lcd.topdataline = False
To start or resume a static top data line use:
lcd.topdata(" Your new string ")