Competitive programming combines the design of algorithms and the implementation of algorithms
Analyzing problems & creative problem solving; and algorithms should be correct and efficient
- mathematical & creative thinking
- combination of theoretical knowledge
Applying theoretical algorithms through code; not only does the theoritical portion be correct, but the implementation must also be efficient and correct
Most popular languages used in contests:
- C++
- Java
- Python
C++ often considered as the best choice for competitive programming
- nearly always available in contest systems
- efficient high-capacity language
- standard library contains numerous data structures and algorithms Choice of programming language can still depend on preference, as python and java are still good options, but C++ will be the main language of this repository
In most contests standard streams are used for input/ouput
- Works with the console
- standard I/O streams
- when printing on a new line for outputs, using
is faster thanendl
Including the following lines at the beginning of code can make input/output more efficient for cin and cout
- all standard streams are synchronized by default, which allows to mix C and C++ I/O
- disabling the synchronization, C++ streams will become independent and have their own buffers, making it slightly faster and prevents mixing different I/O streams
- tied streams ensure sensible user interaction, where one stream is flushed automatically before each I/O on the other stream
- this function unties the io streams, so they must be flushed manually everytime it's used
- can be more efficient since you control when and where you flush
Primary I/O stream in C
- also applicable for C++ instead of using its standard streams
- a bit faster but harder to use
The following lines takes input and prints 2 integers
int a, b;
scanf("%d %d". &a, &b);
printf("%d %d\n", a, b);
In order to read a whole line from input, containing spaces, use the 'getline' function as following:
string s;
getline(cin, s);
both stop taking inputs at a white space character
If there's an unkown amount of data, consider using a while loop:
while(cin >> x) {
// code goes here
- the loop reads elements from the input one after another, until there are no more
Most common integer type: 'int'
- 32-bit (value range of -231 to 231-1)
If type 'int' is not enough, there's 'long long'
- 64-bit type integer (value range of -263 to 263-1)
long long x = 123456789123456789LL;
int y = 2
long long b = y*y; // this will produce an incorrect result
long long b = (long long)y*y; // this will produce a correct result
- suffix
now defines the number type of long long long long
type is not interexchangeable with int type, an error may otherwise occur
Modulous of 2 numbers is the remainder value of their division
- the remainder of a negative is either 0 or negative in C++
- calculate the remainder as usual and add m to the result if it's negative
- only needed if subtractions are invovled; remainders wouldn't be negative otherwise
x = x%m;
if (x < 0) x += m;
Property of the remainder: in addition, subtraction, and multiplication, the remainder can be taken before the operation:
(a + b) mod m = (a mod m + b mod m) mod m
(a - b) mod m = (a mod m - b mod m) mod m
(a * b) mod m = (a mod m * b mod m) mod m
- useful to avoid long long type; the number can never get too large
type floating point
- 64-bit
long double
type floating point
- 80-bit
- extension in the g++ compiler
To output a predtermined number of decimals, printf
can be used as following:
printf("%.9\n", x);
- outputs the value with 9 decimal places
Keep in mind that this method may return rounding errors as following:
double x = 0.3*3 + 0.1;
printf("%20f\n", x); // 0.99999999999999988898
- due to rounding error, the value of
is slightly less than 1, which is the correct value - due to this, floating point numbers shouldn't be compared with the == operator
When comparing floating point numbers, assume that 2 numbers are equal if their difference is less than ε
- 'ε' is generally assumed to be eqaul to 10-9
if(abs(a-b) < 1e-9) { // 1e-9 means "one times ten to the negative ninth power"
// a and b are equal
Important in competitive programming to save time
- try to use shorter names for datatypes, variables, etc
Using the function typedef
datatypes can be given shorter names
For example:
// long long can be simplified as ll
typedef long long ll;
ll a = 123456789;
ll b = 987654321;
cout << a*b << "\n";
// can also be used with complex types
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef pair<int, int> pi;
Using the keyword #define
, strings can be changed before the compilation
For example:
// first and second can be reduced to F and S; push_back and make_pair can be reduced to PB and MP
#define F first
#define S second
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
v.PB(MP(x1, y1));
v.PB(MP(x2, y2));
int d = v[i].F + v[i].S;
Macros can even have parameters to shorten loops and other structures:
#define REP(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i <= b; i++)
REP(i, 1, n) {
Absolutely essential for competitive programming
- This sections contains some useful formulas to remember
Incrementing sequence of numbers with common difference
a + ... + b = [n(a + b)] / 2
- n is the number of terms
- a is the first number
- b is the last number
Here's an example: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = [n(n + 1)]/2 3 + 7 + 11 + 15 = [4(3 + 15)] / 2 = 36
Incrementing seqeunce of numbers with common ratio
ak0 + ak1 + ak2 + ... + b = (bk - 1) / (k - 1)
- a is the first number
- b is the last number
- k is the ratio
Here's an example: 3 + 6 + 12 + 24 = (24 * 2 - 3) / (2 - 1) = 45
Set: a collection of elements
- Intersection A ∩ B: elements that are in both sets
- Union A ∪ B: all unique elements in both sets
- Complement of set A: elements that are not in the set but are in the universal set
- eg. if A = {1, 2, 5, 7} and the universal set is {1, 2, ..., 10}, the complement of A is {3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10}
- Difference A \ B: elements are in A but not B
- eg. if A = {2, 3, 7, 8} and B = {3, 5, 8}, then A \ B = {2. 7}
If all elements of A also belongs to S, then A is a subset of S (A ⊂ S)
Values of a logical expression are true and false
- 1 is true
- 0 is false
Negation: True if false; false if true
Conjuction: True if both are true
Disjunction: True if either or both are true
Implication: True when the other is also true
Equivalence: True if both are the same
Predicate: An expression true or false depending on its parameters
- a predicate can be defined to be true when x is a prime number
- denoted as 'P(x)'
Quantifier: Logical expression for elements of a set
- eg. expression is true if for all elements there is an even integer
Basic functions:
- rounding
- max (of a set)
- min (of a set)
n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * n
f(n) = f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)
Logarithm of a number x: logk(x)
- k is the base
- logk(x) = a, ka = x
Often used in analysis of algorithm efficiency
- dividing/reducing the number of steps at each step
Useful property: logk(x) = number of times to divide x by k before reaching 1
- eg. log2(32) = 5, 32/2/2/2/2/2 = 1 (divided by 2 five times)