Google ReCAPTCHA component for vue.
This version is for Vue 2.0. If you need Vue 1.x support please reference to vue-v1.x.
$ npm install vue-recaptcha
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Minify -->
<script src=""></script>
Place this in head to load recaptcha:
<script src="" async defer>
With `onload` callback, it will notify us when the api is ready for use.
Then use it in your component
<vue-recaptcha sitekey="Your key here"></vue-recaptcha>
import VueRecaptcha from 'vue-recaptcha';
export default {
components: { VueRecaptcha }
For more information, please reference to example
- sitekey (required)
ReCAPTCHA site key - options (optional)
Any options for Google ReCAPTCHA, please reference to ReCAPTCHA document.
will be override by component for emit event.
- reset
Reset ReCAPTCHA instance
- recaptchaReset Reset ReCAPTCHA instance