基于vue iview后台管理系统前端快速开发解决方案
# install dependencies
npm install or yarn
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8000
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
Ffast-FE 是一套基于vue iview后台管理系统前端快速开发解决方案,以JSON数据驱动页面,几句代码即可快速开发属于你的页面。
vue2 + vuex + vue-router + webpack + ES6 + axios + iview
- 整体布局界面
- 用户管理
- 角色管理
- 字典管理
- 权限菜单
- 接口测试
- 系统日志
- 待办事项
- 代码生成
<CrudView :tableOptions="tableOptions" ></CrudView>
* 弹出式表单参数
const tableEditOptions = {
// 是否启用跳转到编辑页面,为空或false则用弹出模态框进行编辑
editPage: true,
// 模态框宽度
width: 600,
// 表单标签宽度
labelWidth: 70,
// 表单数据
dynamic: [
{name: 'id', hidden: true},
name: 'name',
type: 'text',
span: 12,
label: '资源名',
rules: {required: true}
{name: 'parentId', type: 'treeSelect', dataFromTree: true, span: 12, label: '父资源'}
{name: 'url', type: 'text', span: 24, label: '菜单Url'}
{name: 'identity', type: 'text', span: 12, label: '标识符'},
{name: 'icon', type: 'text', span: 12, label: '图标'}
name: 'status',
openText: '显示',
closeText: '隐藏',
type: 'switch',
span: 12,
label: '状态',
value: 1,
trueValue: 1,
falseValue: 0
name: 'resType',
type: 'radio',
span: 12,
label: '类型',
value: 1,
data: [{label: '菜单', value: 1}, {label: '权限', value: 2}],
rules: {required: true, type: 'number'}
name: 'addBaseCrud',
type: 'switch',
openText: '是',
closeText: '否',
span: 12,
label: '添加基础权限',
value: false
* 表格参数
const tableOptions = {
editOptions: tableEditOptions,
selection: [],
pageSize: 20,
// 表单窗口标题
title: '权限菜单',
// 权限前缀
permsPrefix: 'res',
// 表格数据地址
dataUrl: '/sys/res/list',
// 表格数据增加地址
createUrl: '/sys/res/create',
// 表格数据删除地址
deleteUrl: '/sys/res/delete',
// 表格数据更新地址
updateUrl: '/sys/res/update',
// 查询请求参数
param: {},
// 表格列数据
columns: [
{type: 'selection', width: 60, align: 'center'},
{key: 'name', title: '资源名', minWidth: 160, maxWidth: 280},
key: 'resType',
width: 80,
title: '类型',
// 类型枚举 (自动将值(id)转换为对应标签value)
enum: [{value: '菜单', id: 1, el: 'strong'}, {value: '权限', id: 2}]
{key: 'identity', title: '标识符', width: 200},
{key: 'url', title: '菜单Url', minWidth: 200, maxWidth: 400},
{key: 'parentId', title: '父资源', width: 160, dataFromTree: true},
key: 'icon',
width: 100,
title: '菜单图标',
render: (h, params) => {
const row = params.row
return h('Icon', {
props: {
type: row.icon
{key: 'weight', title: '权重', width: 80},
key: 'status',
width: 80,
title: '状态',
enum: ['隐藏', '显示']
// 表格搜索表单
searchDynamic: [
{name: 'name', label: '资源名', span: 4, type: 'text'},
name: 'resType',
type: 'select',
data: [{label: '菜单', value: 1}, {label: '权限', value: 2}],
span: 3,
label: '类型'
import CrudView from 'components/views/CrudView'
export default {
data() {
return {
computed: {},
methods: {},
mounted() {
components: {CrudView}
- input text(单行输入框)
- input textarea(多行输入框)
- select(下拉选择框)
- radio(单选框)
- checkbox(多选框)
- treeSelect(选择树)
- input number(数字输入框)
- date(日期选择)
- datetime(日期时间选择)
- datetimerange(日期时间段选择)
- ImgUpload(图片上传表单组件)
- editor(基于vue-quill-editor富文本)
- PopupSelect(弹出式选择)
- Switch(开关选择)
<div class="main-view main-view-full" style="padding-top: 50px">
<i-col span="24">
<FormDynamic ref="dynamic1" v-model="fromData" :data="dynamic1" :label-width="120">
<PopupEdit ref="popupEdit"
<PopupSelect ref="popSelect" :content="userPage"></PopupSelect>
import {FormDynamic, PopupEdit, PopupSelect} from 'components/';
let self = null;
const dynamic1 = [
{type: 'title', span: 24, text: 'Input'}
name: 'numberData',
type: 'number',
span: 6,
// 最小值
// 最大值
label: 'Number'
name: 'textData',
type: 'text',
span: 6,
label: 'text',
value: 'DefaultValue',
rules: {required: true, type: 'string'}
name: 'passwordData',
type: 'text',
span: 6,
password: true,
label: 'PasswordText',
rules: {required: true, type: 'string', message: '密码不能为空'}
name: 'textarea',
type: 'text',
placeholder: '多行文本输入框',
span: 6,
label: 'TextareaLabel',
textarea: {minRows: 1, maxRows: 6}
], [
{type: 'title', span: 24, text: 'date'}
], [
{name: 'date1', type: 'date', span: 6, label: 'DateLabel'},
{name: 'date2', type: 'datetime', span: 6, label: 'DateTimeLabel'},
{name: 'date3', type: 'datetimerange', span: 6, label: 'Datetimerange'}
{type: 'title', span: 24, text: 'DataSelect'}
name: 'selectData',
type: 'select',
span: 8,
value: 0,
label: 'SelectLabel',
data: [
{label: '选项1', value: 0}, {label: '选项2', value: 1},
{label: '选项3', value: 2}, {label: '选项4', value: 3}
onChange: (val, from, data) => {
name: 'selectData2',
type: 'select',
span: 6,
value: 0,
label: 'URLSelectLabel',
// value 字段名
valField: 'id',
// label 字段名
textField: 'name',
// 通过设置数据url地址进行获取
dataUrl: '/sys/dict/get?type=job',
onChange: (val, from, data) => {
name: 'selectData3',
type: 'select',
span: 6,
value: 0,
label: 'DictSelectLabel',
// 直接取字典数据
dict: 'job',
onChange: (val, from, data) => {
], [
{type: 'title', span: 24, text: 'Title'}
], [
name: 'radioData',
type: 'radio',
span: 6,
value: 0,
label: 'RadioLabel',
data: [
{label: '选项1', value: 0}, {label: '选项2', value: 1},
{label: '选项3', value: 2}, {label: '选项4', value: 3}
onChange: (val, from, data) => {
name: 'checkboxData',
type: 'checkbox',
span: 8,
label: 'CheckboxLabel',
data: [
{label: '选项1', value: 0}, {label: '选项2', value: 1},
{label: '选项3', value: 2}, {label: '选项4', value: 3}
enableCheckAll: true,
checkAllLabel: '全选',
checkAll: true,
onChange: (val, from, data) => {
name: 'deviceTypeId',
type: 'treeSelect',
span: 8,
label: 'TreeSelectLabel',
// 如果是CrudView 支持从左边树绑定数据,select组件同样支持
dataFromTree: true,
textField: 'name',
valField: 'id',
dataUrl: '/sys/res/list',
onChange: (val, from, data) => {
name: 'popSelectId',
onClick(fromData) {
self.$refs['popSelect'].open((selection) => {
self.$set(fromData, 'popSelectId', selection[0].id);
self.$set(fromData, 'popSelectName', selection[0].username);
name: 'imgData',
// 最多只能上传2张
max: 2,
type: 'imgUpload',
span: 24,
label: 'ImgUploadLabel'
{name: 'editor', type: 'editor', span: 24, label: 'EditorLabel', placeholder: '富文本编辑器'}
name: 'button', type: 'buttons',
span: 24,
data: [
label: 'SetData',
onClick() {
// 给表单设置数据
self.$refs.dynamic1.setFormData({numberData: 10001, textData: 'SetData'})
label: 'GetFormData',
onClick() {
self.$refs.dynamic1.submit((param) => {
}, (res) => {
// 表单验证失败
// 弹出窗口编辑表单
label: 'PopupWindow',
onClick() {
title: 'PopupEditWindow',
// 确认提交url
postUrl: null
}, self.fromData);
label: 'GotoEditPage',
onClick() {
self.editOptions.editSuccess = self.editSuccess;
let action = {
// 窗口标题
title: 'title',
// 确认提交请求url
postUrl: ''
path: self.$router.currentRoute.path + '/edit',
query: {options: self.editOptions, action: action, data: self.fromData}
* 弹出式表单参数
const editOptions = {
width: 1200,
labelWidth: 120,
dynamic: dynamic1
export default {
data() {
return {
fromData: {}
computed: {
// 弹出选择页面
userPage() {
return import('pages/sys/user');
methods: {
// 编辑成功
editSuccess(res) {
mounted() {
self = this;
components: {
FormDynamic, PopupEdit, PopupSelect
[], //第二行
[], //第三行
也可以设置为span:24 独占一行
rules: {
required: true, //开启表单验证
type: 'number', //验证类型
message: '分类不能为空'//提示信息
- 弹出式编辑表单(PopupEdit)
- 跳转式编辑表单 (edit.vue)
- CrudTreeView(树编辑布局)
- PhotoViewer(图片预览组件)
- DataTree(数据树)
- DataSelect(数据下拉框,支持直接填入字典标识)
- DataTable(数据表格)
- CrudTree(增删改查树)
- CrudTable(增删表格)
- PermsValid(权限验证) ...
CrudView -> CrudTable -> DataTable -> IView Table
-> PopupEdit -> FormDynamic
-> Edit -> FormDynamic
-> CrudTree -> DataTree -> IView Tree
-> PopupEdit -> FormDynamic
-> Edit -> FormDynamic