XSeen is a framework for integrating and manipulating Declarative 3D scenes as HTML5 DOM elements, which are rendered via WebGL with THREE.js The open-source system allows defining 3D scene description and runtime behavior declaratively, without any low-level JavaScript or GLSL coding.
This is a development tool for building an integrated version that combines the best features of A-Frame and X3D.
Documentation started at http://tools.realism.com/specification/xseen. It includes all developed nodes and features.
This release supports glTF models with aniamtion (including deformed skin from joint animation) and A-Frame's asset management. glTF models are included with the model tag. Asset managment nodes are the same as A-Frame's. Not all asset management nodes are supported.
The initial release supports a few static structures from X3D and A-Frame, mostly consisting of the pre-defined solid shapes in each language and some appearance and grouping structures from X3D.
It does include X3D's Inline node that will inline X3D structured XML files that contain X3D and/or A-Frame nodes.
The release code is in /Release
External libraries are kept for convienence in /ExternalLibraries. These can be updated and replaced as needed. This directory includes
- jquery-3.2.1.min.js -- from http://jquery.com/download/
- three.js -- from https://threejs.org/
The * utils * directory contains various utilities, including example loaders from THREE, including
- GLTFLoader
- GLTF2Loader
- LoadManager
These may or may not be replaced in a future release.
Three.js is used for all rendering and scene graph management jQuery is only used to assist in the AJAX download of files
The XSeen license and copyrights do not apply to those files. They retain they copyright and license as originally released at the above URLs.
XSeen runs as local files in Firefox. Other browsers may not allow local files to be loaded at run-time. It can run as a client in any server environment (Python SimpleServer, Node.js. Apache, etc.).
This is not yet intended for anything but development. Please contribute using the GitHub messaging or direct emails to the developer.
Not yet available
Please report issues and attach patches here. For general help and questions direct your inquiry to the x3dom-users mailing list or one of the forums.
Uploading Files to the Issue Tracker
The GitHub issue tracker does not allow to upload files. However, there is a
service that helps you with sharing files: https://gist.github.com. Just copy
and paste your file contents there and then copy the Gist URL into the
issues form.
It immensely helps us if you can provide a live web page illustrating your problem. So if you have webspace and can upload and post the URL with your issue, the chances we will have a look at it increase.
We encourage you to contribute to XSeen! Support will be coming soon.
You can send pull requests via GitHub. Patches should:
- Follow the style of the existing code.
- One commit should do exactly one thing.
- Commit messages should start with a summary line below 80 characters followed by a blank line, and then the reasoning/analysis for why the change was made (if appropriate).
- Commits that fix a bug in a previous commit (which has already been
merged) should start with
and then the summary line of the commit it fixes. - Rebase your branch against the upstream’s master. We don’t want to pull redundant merge commits.
- Be clear about what license applies to your patch: The files within this repository are under the GPL3 (or later) but, as the original creators, we are still allowed to create non-free derivatives. However, if patches are given to us under GPL then those cannot make it into any non-free derivatives we may later wish to create. So to make it easier for us (and avoid any legal issues) we prefer if patches are released as public domain.
Developing patches should follow this workflow:
- Fork on GitHub (click Fork button)
- Clone to computer:
git clone git@github.com:«github account»/x3dom.git
- cd into your repo:
cd x3dom
- Set up remote upstream:
git remote add -f upstream git://github.com/DrX3d/XSeen.git
- Create a branch for the new feature:
git checkout -b my_new_feature
- Work on your feature, add and commit as usual
Creating a branch is not strictly necessary, but it makes it easy to delete your branch when the feature has been merged into upstream, diff your branch with the version that actually ended in upstream, and to submit pull requests for multiple features (branches).
- Push branch to GitHub:
git push origin my_new_feature
- Issue pull request: Click Pull Request button on GitHub
If a lot of changes have happened upstream you can replay your local changes
on top of these, this is done with rebase
, e.g.:
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
This will fetch changes and re-apply your commits on top of these.
This is generally better than merge, as it will give a clear picture of which commits are local to your branch. It will also “prune” any of your local commits if the same changes have been applied upstream.
You can use -i
with rebase
for an “interactive” rebase. This allows you
to drop, re-arrange, merge, and reword commits, e.g.:
git rebase -i upstream/master