Python RIPS monitor prototype.
If you want to change the engine, build the Golang program ( and copy the binary to ./bin/rips.
cd $myworkspace
colcon build --packages-select ripspy --symlink-install
You have to set some environment variables before running it:
RIPRULES: the path for a Rips rules file.
RIPSCRIPTS: is the path for the directory that contains the scripts required.
For example:
cd $myworkspace
. install/setup.bash
export RIPSRULES=r.rul
export RIPSSCRIPTS=myscripts
ros2 run ripspy ripspy
The ROS2 packages for message types to be inspected by Rips must be properly installed.
Optional environment variables:
RIPSBLACKLIST: A list of topics seppared by ':'. The monitor will ignore those topics. /rosout is allways in the black list in order to avoid loops.
RIPSWHITELIST: A list of topics sepparated by ':'. If the variable exists and the list is not empty, the monitor will be subscribed only to those topics (if they are not in the black list).
RIPSSOCKET: The path for the UNIX domain socket for the engine. If this variable is not set, /tmp/rips.socket is used by default.
RIPSTEESOCKET: The path for the UNIX domain socket for the dashboard. It must be set if the dashboard is executing.
You can find several examples in the scenarios directory.