Ideas regarding lifetimes in Sarus
There would be 2 lifetimes: inside and outside
Both values and variables can be marked with these lifetimes
In the compiler:
enum Lifetime {
Outside(arg: u64),
struct Arg {
// args can have their lifetime tied input args
// this number is the input arg that the lifetime is tied to
pub lifetime: Option<Lifetime>,
Sarus examples:
is an array of i64, [..]
returns a slice from 0 to len
fn some_func() -> (b: [u8]) {
a = [0;100] //inside, copy
b = a[..] //inside, not copy
// ERROR b lifetime is inside, and b is not copy
// consider declaring fn as inline
When a function returns or mutates something that derives its lifetime from an arg, that is shown in the funcdef.
fn some_func(a: [u8]) -> (b: [u8]) {
b = a[5..10] //inherit arg a, not copy
fn other_func() {
arr = [0;100] //inside, copy
a = arr[..] //inside, not copy
//fn some_func says return 0 lifetime is the same as arg 0
b = some_func(a) //inside, not copy
fn mutates_an_arg(a: Stuff) {
b = [0;100][..] //inside, not copy
a.s = b
//ERROR b lifetime is inside, and b is not copy
//OR perhaps in caller's function b is marked as no longer usable after this call
fn mutates_an_arg(a: [i64], b: Stuff) { = a //arg b inherit arg a, not copy
fn other_func(arr: [i64;100]) {
s = Stuff { //outside, not copy
sl: arr[..] //outside, not copy
a = [0;100][..] //inside, not copy
//fn mutates_an_arg says it will make arg 1 lifetime match arg 0
mutates_an_arg(a, s) //inside, not copy
//arg 0 is inside, so now s is marked with inside
Need to also account of lifetime implications in loops. The scope of a loop will need to be handled similarly to a function call.
fn main() -> () {
a = [0;10000][..]
i = 0 while i < 5 {i+=1} : {
if i == 0 {
b = [2;10000] //(while)inner, copy
a = b[..] //TODO compiler error
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