Education; being the most versatile and developing sector; it requires technological boom more than of the other sectors. Everyday new concepts and ideas are released in the market; the learners not only need to learn them but practice them as well. A system like AQPG allows the learner to apply the knowledge (s)he has gained so far. Our system divides users in three categories :
- Admin : the one with the ability to control and minpulate the whole system
- Instructor : the experts and the people with ability to generate paper
- Learner : the people who want to take up practice
- Adding and Deleting Users, Courses, Questions and related information into database
- Modifying the same three entities by the Admin.
- Generating Question Paper on a Click By Instructor.
- Practice Sessions for Learner.
- Viewing the profile and editing content by the three type of Users.
- Verifying the user upon login password entry, etc. are there.
Enviroment required :
- JDK 8 or above
- Tomcat or any other server.
- Netbeans or Eclipse
Run :
- Make sure to setup your server and download the whole project.
- Make the change in Automatic-Question-Paper-Generator-App/PROJO/src/java/aqpg/ file and set the connection url, user name and password
- Make tables accordingly //(details below)
- Run the whole project using netbeans/eclipse.
The tables u will need in the sql for running the project.
login_name |
pass | type |
string | string | varchar(1) |
foreign key + primary key | - | - |
login_name |
fname | sname | lname | address | cno | gender |
string | string | string | string | string | string | varchar(1) |
primary key | - | - | - | - | - | - |
sno |
ques_stmt | ans | c_sid |
level | option 1 | option 2 | option 3 | option 4 |
string | string | varchar(1) | string | integer | string | string | string | string |
primary key | - | - | foreign key | - | - | - | - | - |
c_sid |
cname |
string | string |
primary key | - |
Adding works from Bloom's taxonomy to implement automatic question generation , making the app more versatile and technological advance.
- change line 29 of ViewLearner.jsp to
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='15' valign="left" style="color:blue; overflow:auto; text-align:center; margin:auto;">
- make changes on line 63 of in Source Packages -> aqpg : seAdd() to setAdd()
public void setAdd(String add) {
this.add = add;
- it shows deployment descriptor error , you should change the properties of the project to point to its own WEB-INF folder. Refer video :