Starred repositories
WebGL 2 lessons starting from the basics
An under developing DirectX 12 toy renderer created for testing graphics features.
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server for Node.js
🤣本项目有不同开发版本,最新版底层基于 abp vNext 搭建和免费开源跨平台框架 .NET5 进行开发,使用 MongoDB 存储数据,Redis 缓存数据。项目采用前后端分离的模式进行开发,API 遵循 RESTful 接口规范,页面使用 Blazor 进行开发,可作为 .NET Core 入门项目进行学习。If you liked `Blog` project or if it he…
A C# library for converting Japanese sentence to Hiragana, Katakana or Romaji with furigana and okurigana modes supported. Inspired by project Kuroshiro.